May 06, 2004 08:55
Im in school right now, its mad gay, we have a sub because Mr. Hall isnt here his wife just had her baby so he'll be out a few days. We have this really hot substitute so its all good, lol. Yea today is cool because this girl at my bus stop brought me a hot pocket! it was good, sausage,egg and cheese mhmm it was good. Bronson made me happy today when he saw me he was like good morning beautiful which was sweet.Alot of different things are going on with alot of different people. Everyone keeps trusting me lately, im keeping so many secrets for people that its insane. I have such a stomach ache, it hurts so bad man! Im staying after school today so i can make up some stuff and crystal asked me to stay after with her so i said ok. Man tonight is gunna be so awesome, im going to a perfect circle concert im Atlantic City with Joe Haden. Im doing so many things right now, im being what they call a multi-tasker, lol im doing my homework, finding information on my debate jobby job and writing in my life journal. I totally forgot about my live journal there for a while and i must tell everyone yes i have a boyfriend!! I go out with Bronson lol. But im not completely over someone else, well i guess you cant be over them until you have them, and ive never had him, Wow i practically gave away who it is, lol. Oh Well, Man my belly really hurts, i have to do my science questions for tomorrow or for monday or something, and i have to do my math homework in science. Bronson said he was goin over kyle's tomorrow so im stuck in Mays Landing all by my lonesome. But Oh well ill find something to do. He came over yesterday and we watched tv and just sat outside, it was so nice out until it started raining. You have no idea how much i freakin hate rain, it pisses me off so freaking much! I got ice cream yesterday too, the ice cream man drove by so i ran out and got an oreo chipwhich, so yea that made me happy. Well thats all i can really write for now so i guess ill just wait to tell you about my perfect circle concert later. lol