Nov 22, 2009 14:27

Omgosh, I just recovered from a really bad cold last week and now I'm SICK AGAIN. Argh. My nose has been extremely runny since yesterday and I've been coughing non-stop! But at least my nose isn't stuffed and my voice ain't cracking like last week where I can barely talk. But I kind of brought this upon myself because I stopped taking my medicine when my nose wasn't stuffed and I got my voice back, although I wasn't 100% recovered yet. And then I was outside doing this assignment EARLY at 8:30am in the daycare playground on Wednesday. Oh god, it is SO COLD outside in the playground because the daycare is located right near the lake at Lakeshore. I was out there for about 30 minutes with my friend working on this assignment and getting BLOWN by the wind that our fingers were frozen.
So that's probably why I got sick again! >___< Ugh, I just want to get this cold over with and be 100% recovered already. Sigh.

I've been shopping so much lately, almost every Friday after daycare and haven't bought a single thing!
I think I've been shopping for almost a whole month now without finding any good items that I want to buy. Isn't that insane? I'm sooooo disappointed to the point that I'm getting SO SICK of shopping. I'd be happy if I could come home with at least ONE item every time, but I always end up going home with nothing. My friend has been telling me that I'm being too much of a picky shopper and that's why I can't find anything. But no really, the things I look for are very simple but yet they are so hard to find. I just want something cute but with personality!

With that said, that's when online shopping comes in to satisfy my dying need of new clothes, haha!

"My Milkshake" print white knit top. I ordered this about 2 weeks ago and it finally got shipped out on Friday! I should be expecting it to arrive in the following week or so. It also comes in black as well!

I like the black version too. I was even thinking of getting it as well, but I didn't want to have a duplicate of the same thing, mostly when I tend to get bored of my clothes very easily. XD

And I just ordered these two tops last night!

I love how this top looks very simple but yet cute and sophiscated at the same time! It's a good onepeice that can be worn with many different things too! I already have some ideas of how I'm going to wear this top.

Love this knit top with the pockets at the front and it's even got a hoodie at the back too! I also like that it has short sleeves so you can layer it with a turtle neck underneath or wear arm warmers! I just hope YesStyle won't cancel my order because it's out of stock. They already did that to two of my orders! But since this a newly added item, I hope they have it in stock. Really don't like how YesStyle cancel your order AFTER you placed it and then they tell you A WEEK later that it's out of stock! Why would you post up an item when it's not even in stock to begin with?! Not a great way to please your customers! So I'm crossing my fingers that I get these two items. >___<

Alright. Time to start on some homework. I need to come up with some game activities next week for my kiddies. Ugh, I'm running out of ideas for game activities already. .__. I also have my placement midterm evaluation this coming Friday as well. Hopefully I'd be a 100% recovered by then. I don't want to fail my midterm evaluation because of my sickness. >__< After my midterm evaluation, I only have 3 more weeks of placement left. Time surely flies by fast. And aww, I'm growing such a great bond with these kids that I think I might miss them when I leave for my x'mas break. ;___;

yesstyle, shopping

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