Nov 01, 2009 15:00

Went out on a snacks shopping adventure on Thursday so that I can prepare for placement and not have to worry about being hungry the whole day. Also because I will need the snacks to keep me energized to play with the kids all day, lol.

What I bought for the day. I was going to buy more but I think this will take me a good couple of weeks to finish. XD


I LOVE these Japanese coconut and lemon biscuits. They are GREAT to snack on while you're traveling on the train/bus.

Japanese mochi. Red bean and green tea flavour! =)

I didn't know that vitasoy now comes in HONEYDEW flavour. OMG. I was super excited when I found these! I love anything with honeydew in it. 
 I haven't had a chance to try them yet because I'm waiting to try them on my first day of placement.

Other than snacks shopping, I also bought some new socks because my current ones are getting worn out and is starting to have holes in them, LOL.

Got these really cute socks from Ardene. They were only 5 for $10! I think I might go back and get more next week because I'm always lacking socks to wear. >____<

Also picked up some thick tights to layer with in the winter. They were 3 for $10. Super awesome deal. 
 I love the pink one because it's such a fun and bright colour for winter!

food, shopping

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