My husband, Tom, was able to get in to see a specialist at a
ear clinic in Memphis on Tuesday for possible treatment of his
Meniere's disease. They will have to run a battery of tests to see if he qualifies, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. We hope that the treatments they offer will help him. He had a few good years but he has had more bad days than good in the last year and a half or so. It really affects our lives and this would be such a blessing, even if it only provides a little relief.
The doctors office had originally told us it could take several months to get in- if we had called it probably would have but since the doctors office made the appointment we were able to get in sooner. Tuesday will be an all day thing and if he qualifies for the procedure it will mean a three day stay.
For those of you who don't know we live in East Tennessee and Memphis is about 7 hours west of us. We are in upper East corner and Memphis is in lower West corner. It's over 400 miles there. Of course I would do this even if it were in California if it helps. We have been living with this for at least 5 years, longer I think.
Please send us your good thoughts, positive vibes, prayers, mojo. All will be appreciated.