Jun 09, 2003 00:56
The need to Blog is great in this one.
Aw hell. Yesterday got better as the day went on. The kids rooms are clean, but the rest of the house is still a shambles. I wish I could keep something clean. I need a cleaning lady! Someone to come clean for me once or twice a week. Do all the things I hate to do, or don't have time to do myself. The need for clean is great in me is great, however the motivation to get off my ass and do something about it is VERY small!
Tom and I went to Wal-Mart alone last night ļ I must return my new sneakers, they are killing my feet! $25 Dr. Scholls with air cushion insoles, and they hurt my heels. I can't walk without pain. They make my feet hurt for hours after I take them off. I am returning them! Anyway, Tom took FOREVER! To pick out a new game for himself, I got a new book, we both got candy, it was nice being alone together. We were there for like an hour and a half looking for a game!
Did I mention that Dad hired my replacement? Her name is Mary. I like her. Jerry doesn't think she'll work out, but I hope she does. She's pretty cool. She's 35, tattoo, belly ring, 1 kid, married, computer girlie, clean freak, nice lady. Way too educated for this job, but hey, seems to be what she wants, I hope so, I like her. We could be friends.
Today is going well. Overslept a bit, but got a shower this morning. Feels good. Gonna leave work early and weed a bit and mow the lawn I think. (I am writing this in long hand to type into my Blog later when I get home) Maybe clean a bit before the hockey game. I need to take care of some of the clutter & weeds. I have 2 tomato plants I need to get planted. I want tomatoes.
Tom & I are gonna get Chinese tonight for game 7. GO DEVILS!!!!!!! We've spent a shit load of $ on take out and going out in the last few weeks but. This will be the last for awhile.
I have a heaadache & I am tired! I wish I could Dad weren't here so I could put my head down and take a nap, like I did last week :) zzzz
At least now I know why I have been so bitchy & itchy & tired & cranky & horny, etc. For some reason I started my period again. I am so off schedule it's not funny! I also had to explain what "Aunt Flo coming to visit" meant to Liz. She overheard me say it and so had to explain it to her, of course it was in front of Tom so it embarrassed the hell out of her! Maybe that's why I'm so feeling the need for clean, or maybe Mary & her obsessive compulsive cleaning is making me feel guilty for being such a slob. I don't know.
I have decided if Dad keeps giving me a hard time at work I will quit early and apply at Wal-Mart or Food Lion or somewhere else around here until school starts. I am soooo tired of being here at the store. But. It's such an easy job! What can I say, I want a job with the schools. A job that I can feel happy and satisfied in. A job that I can feel appreciated and useful in. Is that asking too much? I put my application in with the school system for a full time position. Now I just wait for a call I guess. Mom suggested I call Debbie Berry and confirm that she got my application, I think I will. If I don't get a full time position, I will go to each of the schools on July 31 and introduce myself to the teachers, and offer my services as a sub. Start filling my calendar early with sub dates. I am going to sub as much as possible If I don't get full time. At $47.50 a day it's not bad $ and I LOVE IT!
Dad just called me in the back to look at a tub he found. Wanted to know if it would fit either of my bathrooms. Yup, I measured it years ago. It will fit upstairs. Just need him to put it in. Told him that.
I am walking around here with no shoes on. My socks are getting filthy! Oh well, at least my feet don't hurt.
Should I leave early? I didn't come in til 11. I know we need the $, but I hate sticking around here doing nothing. Oh well didn't get to leave early, Jerry needed some help after Dad left on a job. Oh well, Tom did get the lawn mowed, I didn't get anything cleaned, but I went to a new store that I'd never been to before. Very cheap food stuffs. Dented cans, great prices. Will be going there more! Must clean some tomorrow.
De left to spend a few days with Mom, so we shall have peace for a few days, at least until Thursday, when she comes home. Unfortunatly I didn't get to say good-bye to her :( Oh well, I'll stop over and see her on my way home tomorrow.
6/10/2003 12:54:00 AM
day 1,