If it has tires or testicles, you're going to have trouble with it.

Oct 01, 2009 17:35

Boys make my heart hurt. I hate that feeling and that they can make feel that way. Just by saying one thing. I asked David if he had any plans for November 7th. He said he'd be in Vegas and wanted to know why I was curious. I said that is when I have semi-formal for Kappa and I was wondering if he would be my date. And then well over an hour later he texted back, "Sorry and to be honest I probably would not go. I'm 28 and 6 years out of school." Was that comment really necessary? I figured he wouldn't want to go, but you never know and it's always good to ask, but I found his response to be a little much. And it hurt me. I didn't think the age difference was a big deal. It hasn't been before so I don't know why he all of a sudden decided to mention it. He even said this weekend that his friend is dating a 23 year old he that she's really immature and doesn't know '80s or '90s movies, songs, tv shows, ect. and that when his friend asked if I was the same way, he said no, she knows all that stuff. I don't get it! He tells me I'm pretty and I'm "the hottest girl in the bar" and that I'm mature and that his friends like me and that they all tell him not to let me go. Blah, blah, blah. All it takes is one stupid comment like, "...and to be honest I probably would not go." What a tool. I swear, every time I start feeling good about my life God makes sure I'm back to reality and not getting too carried away. Such a pal! When do I get to be happy? When will it be my turn? Some of my friends are getting married and are loving life. And I'm just living it.
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