Back to school!!

Sep 01, 2009 19:53

I started my senior year last week and I LOVE my classes! I'm taking human gross anatomy, cardiopulmonary physiology, family studies, and psychology of human sexuality. Anatomy is totally my favorite! We started dissecting today in lab and it was the most amazing thing ever! I realize that sounds really creepy, but it's soooo cool! It's really neat to learn literally everything in the body. I smell like formaldehyde now and as it turns out there's something in formaldehyde that is an appetizer stimulant, so it's really weird to be digging around in the leg muscles and talking about what everyone is going to eat after they leave, haha. I have a quiz in cardiopulmonary physiology tomorrow and cannot bring myself to read the book! Which is bad cause my prof sucks. I'll reward myself with a glass of wine when I'm finished reading, hehe. Good study technique... Haha

My 22nd birthday was yesterday. It really kinda sucked, for lack of a better word. I had class all day and then I had Kappa stuff from 5-9 and then I came home and my roommate wasn't here so I drank a bottle of wine and ate birthday cake by myself. I tried to convince David to visit, but apparently he has "grown up job" and he actually has to "work". Lame! I just wanted some company. I was very sad. But today was better. I got to wear scrubs and dissect a body! :-P I don't care about presents, but the only thing I got was a lamp. From my mom. A lamp? Really? Since when did I grow up and start getting wedding presents for my birthday? Lame.

My friend Jillian, from high school, was in town last week, so I went out with her and Chelsea on Wednesday and she got to meet David! I was excited about that! And then I went to Boulder Friday night and met Jillian there and we went out with Liz and her bf and some of their friends. Some of the people in our group included Adam - the guy I dated, and his friends. He did not know I was going to be there, haha. Adam got so wasted when we were pre-gaming and he couldn't get in the bars, haha. I did my first beer bong! And I did 2 of them! And as usual, I danced my little ass off. I felt like a little hussy - 3 of Adam's friends were going down to the dance floor and I never give up an opportunity to dance, so I danced with 3 guys! The odds were in my favor! I love partying in Boulder. I always have the best time. Granted, I'm usually the epitome of a shit show, but I have soooo much fun! I just bop around and meet people and dance and start fights! Always a good time! I have more fun in Boulder than I do in Fort Collins. Which is sad. We went to the farmer's market in the morning and I was still drunk. I had a goooood night!

Oh yeah, I went to the doctor on Thursday because I've had this horrible, horrible rash all over my body for a month and it was not getting better, despite the 13 days of predisone I was on and the prescription steroid lotion. And it was spreading from my arms and legs to my chest and ears and face and upper back. It was so bad. I went to my doctor and she sent me back to my dermatologist and he diagnosed me with sun poisoning and gave me 2 different antihistamines and some super intense topical cream. They're working!! I'm almost itch free! Almost. He said it'd take about 3-4 weeks to completely clear up. But one of the pills I'm on is also used for temporary treatment of anxiety and mental and mood disorders. Needless to say, I am so relaxed and calm and don't have a care in the world! It's great! It's also the drowsy one, so I have a hard time getting up in the morning. But my large hives are going down in size so I don't care.

I've been putting off reading all day, so I need to get on that. I hate this book. There are no pictures! Just schematics!
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