May 22, 2008 14:23
Today I realized that this year will be my first birthday with out my family. My birthday isn't always celeberated on the day, infact one once while growing up did I have my friends birthday on my birthday (sweet 16 mom and dad did tam's and mine both on our actual birthday) but otherwise we would have the family birthday on the closest day that worked and then when we were younger and had the large groups of friends party we'd get the weekends on either side of our birthday.
Even the year before university when I was working in amherstburg and tam was just coming home for Thailand we managed to have the 28th for our birthday. and this year, turning 25 which most people count as a big year, I'll be on the other side of the world and it will probably be a lonely birthday since I'll have only been in Australia for slightly over a month, and I can't celebrate how most 20-somethings celebrate since with the drugs for my back I'm not allowed to get drunk, I don't let myself have more then two drinks a night and I stop drinking as soon as i start to feel the effects so celeberating with peers at a bar isn't really an option.
Mom would say I'm barrowing trubbles from the future and worring about things before they come to pass but I'm also aware that I'm not very much like my peers, I don't fit into the lets get drunk crowd since i don't get drunk nor do i fit in with the coffie bar crowd since i don't do coffie or spending hours sitting and talking since my back generaly doesn't go for that. I love going to clubs and dancing but I have to admit I have little respect for the people who go to clubs simply to hook up so I also don't really fit into that crowd either.
I think a fair bit of this is fear about venturing off into the unknown. I was worried about it with Dawson as well and that turned out just fine, althoguth I fit in much better with the museum people then the other students. and venturing off into the unknown once again is a bit scary but I know I'll land on my feet. at least there is an SCA group there and SCA dancers and SCA dancers I've yet to find a dance group that I don't fit in well with, no matter how horribly out of practice I am, which reminds me I need to get the music for the early period dances because i want to see what i can figure out from them.
ok so now that I've worked thoguth the venturing off into the unknown I'm not as worried but I'm still a little bummed about not having my family for my birthday. I know that my parents are doing a party the weekend before i leave however I'm still enough of a kid that I like doing something on or close to the actual day. on that note it will be the first year that I've really had school since august is always summer here but its winter in Australia so it will be just like a January birthday.