Red tape's lost all it's sticky, it's probably still stuck to Nixon's tapes

Jan 31, 2008 00:42

Today was pattern day for Spirit Week. Our class had Floral Print. Needless to say, I dressed up tete a pied in flowers.

Yeah, nothing too exciting. It's always fun to wear something outlandish, though. And today kicked off the spirit week rallies, so we got to jump and yell and scream and shout like hoodlums...and every time I'm reminded of Lord of the Flies, but that is merely my literary mind overreacting. Seriously...I get reminded of Fascist rallies at Christian concerts. I get these warning flags all the time, but then I must choose whether to act on them or not. For spirit week, though, I'll shout till my voice is gone. :P
Today at youth group, our church started going over this series on sex and relationships. Haha, this is really worrying me. All these omens of sex keep popping up around me. I'm not doing anything to make them happen, I swear! And what are all these omens saying? Sex is good. So here I am, sitting here laughing at the thought that this might not be coincidence and that soon in my life I'll be faced with this. College, maybe? I really don't know. It seems weird to me, like a sign of condoning lustful thoughts... Haha, I dunno. I'll keep thinking. There was that tonight, then two or so weeks ago Sunday the lesson was also on that, plus mentions in class, also me thinking about the Freudian spheres of the mind, fashion spreads I've been seeing lately... we really live in a culture that's obsessed with sex. It's true.

The point of this entry:
Alright, alright, I KNOW I've been a bad citizen, but I've been a good student. This is the first year I can vote, exciting! BUT, I haven't been able to keep up with the debates because they're always in the evening when I need to work on homework or do extracurriculars. >.< SO, I've gone to a few online quizzes to get a rough base from which to start my research. Apparently I need to look into the policies of Mike Gravel and Ron Paul. I know, how balanced of me to pick one from each party! Well, that's what the site told me I should look into. So, I've been reading over their policies. Ok, it's hard to find a candidate that's for getting the troops out, but is against abortion. Well, for me, the issue of this election is the war, quite honestly. I think America *can* stop being the world police. Really. I mean, looking back in history, our worst losses/stalemates came from world policing. (Vietnam or Korea, anyone?) And our greatest victories? Totally called in last minute to aid the rest of the world against a supreme force. (WWI and WWII, most certainly) Are we a country of nationalists (go America!) or liberals (go Democracy)?? I sincerely hope that we can return to being nationalists once again, like before the Lusitania. Well, not necessarily isolationism, but certainly something reminiscent!
[Rant] But to the candidates, Gravel is a democrat and thus is pro-choice, but wants the troops out. I am glad he wants to increase funding on the education level, but not with the child left behind nonsense. What about the accelerated learners? I'm much more sympathetic towards kids that will actually *try* at school. So props for that. But, I'm really not for gay marriage, I'm sorry. I do like his immigration views, though. So, for him, kindof a win-lose, I guess. For Ron Paul, I don't like his views on immigration, but he also makes good points about education. Also, I like his opinions on the Iraq situation. But I think I need to see the debates, really, to get a firm grasp on their policies. I mean, some of their views may align with mine on paper, but once you see them saying it, you can tell which things they really care about and what they could switch sides on later on. Ehh, we'll see. I'm certainly not voting for McCain, like my dad. He's *such* a staunch Republican. He scares me sometimes. All I said was that Democratic economic tools, like those that happened during the Clinton administration, help in the short run...and he sprung up and started refusing it! Dead on refusing it, without coming up with debatable arguments. I'm going to talk to my mom about candidates, I think, though. She's a much better voter that's not swayed by party name alone. [/Rant]

I'm such a nerd. You know, as a kid, I looked forward to the year that I would help vote for the next president of the United States of America? Now that I look at it when I'm's such a money battle. I mean, those two candidates that I just talked about, that the site said most agreed with me, I'd not heard much from! It's all about Obama and Hillary, they say! >.< And they're the two people I'd *LEAST* like to be the president. You know, in the state elections that put "the Governator" in office here...people may have voted for the person they'd find most comical for the office, but all in all, he's not half bad. Who knew the Terminator would be Republican, right? And really, CA is so Democratic. Every time I've seen a recent presidential election map, CA is *ALWAYS* blue. And in all honesty, I think Obama will win CA. This state...*rolls eyes* Now all the crazy people are what give here character, and I love hearing amusing stupidity stories on the news every night, but for any mass political decision, I don't trust them.

Ps- Politics look wonderful on the menu, leading you on with the description saturated in history, but when it's your plate, your mouth just goes all sour and you're content to sip your drink for the whole meal.

politics, church, election 2008, spirit week, candidates

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