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Fun spoof, no? Forever I will always sing along "always sleeping with a flashing Ah!". :P
Anyways, I really didn't have that much homework. But I need to get on everything else...*coughcollegeapscough* But my mom's friend works with a lady that got her masters in Composition from CalArts (where I'm considering) and she knows the guy leading the Composition program at one UCEB (a close UC school, but sorta crappy...cuz it's close, lol) AND she's gone to Berklee school of music (another place I'm considering). I need to call this lady, seriously.
To completely procrastinate, this afternoon I went digging around for a baby picture of me to give to yearbook staff. You know how they put baby pictures of all the seniors in so you can try to guess who it is? Yeah. It's so much fun to look through photo albums! My parents were so young. Ak, and they look so happy in those pictures, too. Probably because my brother wasn't born yet. :P And then there's little me with my Marylin Monroe colored, thin hair. I was a crazy kid, even back then. I have some great facial expressions too. ^^ The one I'm going to turn in for the yearbook has me reading "Pat the Bunny" all smiling. Well, not so much reading, but you know. And it's great looking at the horrible clothes. :P Ahah, so funny.
Anyways, G'night.