The State of the Swankivy - March 11 - March 17

Mar 19, 2023 00:05

The week in review:
  • Saturday was my last day before heading out to Davenport so I spent most of the day packing and finishing stuff so I would be ready to go in the morning. Did a lot of finalizing Polos with Meg to wrap up our plans. Also did 2 loads of laundry. And Polo'd my friend Ben as a break! I completed editing the next Not-So-Giant Women video and updated my webcomic pages to make it easier to post while out of town.

  • Sunday I got up kinda late and finished my last few tasks before leaving town--mostly taking out trash and watering plants and stuff. Then Jeaux picked me up and we drove to Davenport, stopping for some Beef O'Brady's on the way. Dare beat us to the house and we managed to get in despite the tricky enter pad. When Meg arrived we spent some time putzing around the cool EIGHT-BEDROOM FIVE-BATH house we'd rented and checked out what supplies we might need, and we then went to the store and spent close to five hundred dollars on groceries for the week. Came home and put our stuff away, and then I made enchiladas for everyone (with help from Jeaux) and we hung out more. I made blondies late at night for everyone to eat and cleaned up the kitchen. Then I unpacked. I elected to take the Frozen-themed room because it had kid-sized beds and I'm the smallest person in attendance.

  • Monday I didn't have to work because I am on vacation! We all had coffee and cereal and went swimming. It got cold! We had a small lunch and Dare and I played ukulele together. Then we played pool and games and relaxed. Meg's kids, Katelyn and Benjamin, plus Katelyn's boyfriend Ryan, arrived before dinner. Meghan made chicken marsala and Dare and I helped out making sides (so I got to have the potatoes and broccoli). Adam arrived just before dinner, much to Meg's happiness, and we all had a great dinner. Then we all hung out talking and I made oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips. Dare and Jeaux and I took a late-night walk around the neighborhood. And I got a call from Fred saying he and Kathy wouldn't be coming after all because he came down with Covid. Huge, huge bummer.

  • Tuesday I drank coffee with people in the morning and had a bagel for breakfast. People went swimming but I didn't. I did a little reading and a little drawing, took a walk with Jeaux, played some games, and then went shopping with Dare, Meg, and Adam to get our next smaller grocery items. And I started writing a short story! Steve arrived late in the day after driving from Tennessee with his daughter Dolly. We ordered pizza (which is what Benny likes) and sat around outside eating it and chatting. It was cool getting to finally meet Dolly. People hung out in the living room watching crap on TV and I made cinnamon rolls. (They had to refrigerate overnight so I had to rearrange the fridge to get them in there.) After everyone went to bed I worked on the story a little more.

  • Wednesday I got up to bake the cinnamon rolls and had coffee. Meggie made some bacon and I made omelets and tater tots for everyone. We spent most of our morning in our PJs chatting about politics, and then we took a walk and watched The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) by the Reduced Shakespeare Company, sitting in the cool theater room they have in the house. In the evening Meg made her famous lasagna (and was nice enough to make it meatless so I could have it!) and I made garlic bread and salad to go with. Then we ate and played Cards Against Humanity after. At night I took a walk with Jeaux and Dolly and then went to bed.

  • Thursday I got up to make biscuits and Meghan made sausage gravy. We also heated up the leftover tater tots and they were a hit with this breakfast. Went on a walk and then sat around eating fruit and chips-and-dips next to the pool. Some people swam but I didn't. At night I made an ambitious pan-Asian meal (thai noodles with sauce I made and vegetables, covered in crushed peanuts; spring rolls; and hot and sour soup). After we ate that we played Jackbox games, which we always do on Thursday nights anyway but this time it was neat to do it all in one room (except Fred and Kathy joined us remotely and it was nice to see them!). Afterwards I cleaned a bunch and then we watched an episode of Centaurworld (to show Dolly its weirdness) and I posted the webcomic after midnight before I went to sleep.

  • Friday was the last full day in the house. I didn't have to make breakfast so I slept late. We had various breakfasts and coffee, then watched another movie in the theater room (Yellowbeard), and then took a walk with Jeaux. We then cut up the remains of the dippable food and fruit and brought it out by the pool. I finally took another swim and after I got out we hung out by the pool a while. Adam started up the grill and grilled us food (I got veggie burgers and veggie dogs!) and we ate the food while watching Everything Everywhere All at Once (my first time seeing it, and I loved it). After movies, another walk with Jeaux, Dare, and Dolly, and then we played uke some more and relaxed. Dare and I cleaned up the kitchen and then I packed my stuff for the morning, and played some of the arcade games before going to bed.

Interviews, Articles, Mentions:

New Reviews:

Social media counts:
YouTube subscribers: 5,424 for swankivy (7 new), 679 for JulieSondra (no change), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 170 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 70 for Tides of Time Band (1 new). Twitter followers: 878 for swankivy (2 new), 3,720 for JulieSondra (lost 4). Facebook: 297 friends for swankivy (no change), 638 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 242 likes for So You Write (1 new), 94 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,441 (4 new). Instagram followers: 258 (1 new).

Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: It's a vacation week so I was out of town and eating weird food all week! I didn't weigh myself while on vacation so I only have data from Saturday and Sunday. High weight: 118.4. Low weight: 118.4.
  • Nutrition stuff: I didn't go overboard even though I was on vacation, but I ate a lot of richer dishes and more snacks than usual. I wouldn't be surprised if my protein was very low since I was staying with meat-eaters and didn't buy any vegetarian supplements really, so my protein was probably pretty sorry this week. Still consistently taking the vitamins.
  • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Thursday at 10,440 steps, and my high day was Sunday at 12,221 steps.

Books Read:

  • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

  • Currently Reading: A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. I'm on page 154.

Songs Sung:

This week's karaoke song is "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M.

Videos Made:

Not-So-Giant Women #58: Sworn to the Sword is out! Join Daria and Ivy as they watch and talk about "Sworn to the Sword" and cover such topics as Connie buying into Pearl's programming, Pearl's self-sacrificial nature, Connie getting bandaged up instead of having Steven heal her, Connie's existing athletic skills before starting sword-fighting lessons, Connie's upbringing having raised her to value obeying authority and following rules, Steven and Connie's jam bud relationship, how Connie and Pearl are similar and different, what Rose might have thought of Pearl's behavior, what Gem armor might be like, details of the Ancient Sky Arena setting, questions about the timeline that could have Pearl learning about knighthood for the first time in a Sky Arena, how old Pearl is, what Connie's parents think she's up to when she's running off to sword-fighting lessons, and Garnet as "Master of Comedy."

Pictures Taken:

There's a Spring Break 2023 Photo Album up with dozens of great photos of our group on vacation! Here are a few favorites.

Stuff Drawn:

My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:

#0931: dax #135: standing still.

Written this week:

Writing site:
  • None.

Writing blog:
  • None.
Tumblr blog:
  • None.

vacation, adam, kathy, pictures, jeaux, daria, katelyn, fred, negative one, ben, steve s, movies, food, drawing, short stories, meg, dare

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