The week in review:
- Saturday we had to clear out of our vacation house before 10 AM. It was a little stressful making sure everyone was ready, packing up food and recycling (we decided to take our recycling with us because this neighborhood didn't have recycling pickup), and making sure we didn't break any rules about leaving. But we got out in time and went on our merry (separate) ways. Jeaux and I went back to Tampa and I gave him some of the food we'd gotten to take. Then I unpacked, took a nap, and sent a Polo to my sister. Got my photo page up for the vacation and got my blogging done, and caught up on some news from the week.
- Sunday I did laundry and relaxed. I got a karaoke song done and did a couple more Polos, and I did my laundry and trash as usual. Watched some reactions on YouTube and started working on the next podcast.
- Monday I went back to work and dug myself out of the build-up that had accumulated while I'd been gone. We got shortlisted in my absence, and there was a small heap of tasks to complete. I got busy taking care of everything and worked a little longer than usual. It was tough to get my steps in at the end of the day since I'd spent so much time in the chair. I got some more of the podcast done and recorded/listened to Polos.
- Tuesday the internet went out shortly before I would have gone to work, and though we got a notification that it should be restored by 11 AM, that didn't happen and it ended up being out ALL DAY until 9 at night. I missed multiple meetings and fell behind on my work again, which was the last thing I needed after a vacation had already put me behind. But I managed to make good use of the day, finishing the podcast editing, redecorating for the equinox, and doing some preliminary calculations for how much people owe for the vacation. In the evening Yasmin happened to be in my neighborhood and came over with a panini and a latte for me and we caught up on stuff going on in each of our lives. They're going through a lot that sounds like a big struggle. After the internet came back I actually hopped on and did several hours of work in the wee hours.
- Wednesday I went to work and did some data entry and more catch-up on marketing and organizational tasks. Jeaux did my grocery shopping for me so I had to write him a list. We planned it that way so we could go out to dinner at a special place where we had reservations to celebrate our 23rd anniversary of being friends (aka Jeauxversary). After work I got ready and we headed over to Cena, where I had a mushroom risotto. Then we just caught up on Colbert and took a walk and talked at each other.
- Thursday I did more reports and helped process paperwork for a new hire. Also had to help a coworker with some crash data. Completed what I had of data entry for my data entry project and did some walking. Went to game night and got some updates from Fred and Kathy about their status. Did some more webcomic stuff but went to bed early. Oh and Jeaux called me to tell me a silly story about getting locked out of his apartment.
- Friday I kept getting kicked off the internet while trying to START my work. It took like 3 hours before I could even get started with my work. I ended up just not doing the most demanding stuff because it let me do other stuff if I didn't (and I ended up being late to a meeting because it wouldn't let me on and then getting kicked out of the meeting once after I got in successfully). It was a pain all day. Finally I rebooted my modem and router and after taking a very long time to come back everything was normal again. I got timesheets and reports done and after work I finished my comic and posted it and updated some photo page stuff.
Social media counts:
YouTube subscribers: 5,422 for
swankivy (lost 2), 679 for
JulieSondra (no change), 17 for
v & V Vids (no change), 170 for
Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 70 for
Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 877 for swankivy (lost 1), 3,718 for JulieSondra (lost 2). Facebook: 297 friends for
swankivy (no change), 638 likes for
JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for
Negative One (no change), 242 likes for
So You Write (no change), 94 followers for
Not-So-Giant-Women (no change).
Tumblr followers: 2,441 (no change).
Instagram followers: 257 (lost 1).
Health Plan Update:
- Weight stuff: Back into a more "regular" eating situation and I had no issues. A little heavy on the snacking maybe. High weight: 120.3. Low weight: 118.9.
- Nutrition stuff: From Saturday to Wednesday I was just eating what was in the house, though; I didn't have fresh stuff available because I had been out of town and didn't have new groceries until Wednesday. So I had a lot of frozen food and canned/boxed food--high sodium and probably not enough protein. I got fresh veggies back into my diet toward the end of the week. Still consistently taking the vitamins.
- Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Saturday at 10,005 steps, and my high day was Thursday at 12,203 steps.
Books Read:
- Finished Reading: Nothing this week.
- Currently Reading: A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. I'm on page 211.
Songs Sung:
This week's karaoke song is
"Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel.
Videos Made:
Not-So-Giant Women #59: Rising Tides, Crashing Skies is out! Join Daria and Ivy as they watch and talk about "Rising Tides, Crashing Skies" and cover such topics as the entertaining titles Ronaldo gave his interviewees, Onion's statement to the documentary audience, Ronaldo's intentional annoyingness and how audiences receive Ronaldo, why corrupted Gems are drawn to the main characters, why Beach City might have been founded in a place with such high Gem activity, Mr. Smiley's history with the Big Donut, the giant crab battle, Amethyst using her hair as a weapon, Jasper's singing voice, why Ronaldo would leave scenes in his documentary that make him look bad, and how Steven is kind of like a Fusion.
Pictures Taken:
Jeauxversary pics at Cena:
Stuff Drawn:
My weekly fantasy webcomic,
Negative One:
#0932: meri lin #139: the lucky one.
Written this week:
Writing site:
Writing blog:
Tumblr blog: