Ballroom thoughts

Jan 28, 2008 19:41

 My sister pulled this off Facebook for me, and I wanted to share it.  I find it hilarious.

You know you're a BYU ballroom dancer if . . .

. . . your head feels more comfortable positioned out and slightly to the left.
. . . you've ever heard Betsy say, "reach for the chocolate!"
. . . you have to sleep on your stomach with your head facing right just to make sure you don't get lopsided.
. . . you've ever danced using a Cougar-Eat tray as a frame aid.
. . . your angry face is now your "Tango" face
. . . you've ever heard the Christmas tree analogy for correct framework in dance position.
. . . it feels weird NOT to have someone attached to your right rib.
. . . people sometimes confuse you for a business student on video or test days.
. . . you know body flight has nothing to do with hopping and flapping your arms.
. . . it sometimes feels like your shoulders have fused to your torso.
. . . you can rotated your upper body to obscene angles and doing so feels completely natural.
. . . you've spent entire class sessions just on shaping.
. . . you think Lee is so relaxed he's practically horizontal.

. . . straightening your legs completely is heresy.
. . . your angry face is now your "Tango" face.
. . . slouching is now uncomfortable under most circumstances.
. . . the word "routine" is almost completely foreign to you.
. . . you've seriously considered seeing your doctor for whiplash after dancing a particularly energetic tango.
. . . people are convinced your legs and hips are made out of rubber when you dance the Cha Cha.
. . . you've stolen at least three or four elements from standard or latin dancing and incorporated them into your dancing style.
. . . you know how to do body rolls and you're not afraid to use them!
. . . you can't remember the last time you did a box step in anything.
. . . you know about sway but you never really use it.
. . . the level of coolness for a variation is directly proportional to how insane you have to be in order to attempt it.
. . . the term MAC is not just a reference to a computer.
. . . you are obsessed with West Coast Swing or Lindy Hop.
. . . you have no discernible sense of shame.

. . . you point your toes at the slightest provocation.
. . . you feet bend in ways they were never meant to bend in originally.
. . . your Rumba walk and your normal walk are practically indistinguishable.
. . . the junk in your trunk has a mind of its own.
. . . everything comes out sultry even when you don't mean it to be.
. . . your angry face is now your "Paso" face.
. . . you've become accustomed to hearing Brent shout "Go Cougars!" at random intervals.
. . . the phrases "chocolate chip, extra salt, under baked," hold particular meaning for you.
. . . (ladies) you're absolutely horrified that Brent can dance your part better than you can.
. . . (ladies) you're convinced that the dresses some professionals wear are held up solely by super glue and fate.
. . . (men) you constantly have to imagine that you're not a white guy.
. . . (men) you've ever participated in a competition where ties are absolutely forbidden and the first three buttons on your shirt are considered optional.
. . . (men) you can wear pastels, spangles, sequins, and rhinestones AND still feel like a man.
. . . (men) you not only empathize with but in fact share some women's feelings and experiences regarding high heels.
. . . sickling your feet is punishable by death.

. . . you're easily identifed at great distances by the little black bag.
. . . you address all ballroom professors by their first name and know exactly what their preferred dance style is.
. . . you have absolutely no issues with personal space.
. . . the first day of class you know the difference between a standard shoe and a latin shoe.
. . . you've gone through your entire iTunes library looking for danceable music.
. . . you know what dance would fit to a song before you even know the name of the song.
. . . you not only know the difference between CBM and CBMP, you know exactly what the acronyms stand for.
. . . you've lost track of the number of times you've taken your pants off in public. Usually you either had latin pants underneath or a dance skirt over the top, but that's beside the point.
. . . (ladies) you've purchased five bottles of hair spray just for Dancesport.
. . . (ladies) you own at least 15 pairs of beige fishnets.
. . . your performance wardrobe is completely devoid of sequins, rhinestones, feathers, and shear fabric.
. . . you go through at least three bottles of home tanner before a competition.
. . . unlike people who gain their knowledge of dancing from reality TV, you actually know the differences between Standard, Latin, and American.
. . . you've ever used your shoe bag as a makeshift towel.
. . . you only watch "Dancing with the Stars" or "So You Think You Can Dance" because you're hoping to come across a few interesting variations you might be able to steal.
. . . you've had a sudden and disconcerting realization that thinking only gets you into trouble.
. . . you associate the term "medals" with long hours of practice, sweat, blood, tears, and a feeling of unnamed dread.
. . . it hurts to watch the 100 level students.

Contact Info
Office:The costumes closet in the RB ballroom

That was the first thought.  The second follows.

Some people are not meant to be tan.  The stress, effort, and mess involved in trying to become so is not worth looking in the mirror and realizing that the color of one's hair and eyes looks unnatural because one's skin has become an unnatural color.  The world should acknowledge that a certain percentage of the population is meant to be pale and looks better that way.


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