Change of Plans

Dec 04, 2019 01:46

Nessie and I put off doing the boob masks until today, and we did them while we watched ‘Puffs the Play on DVD. Afterward, we watched videos of terrible drivers in the UK and I told her that it’s a good thing I don’t drive here, because I couldn’t figure out what the driver had done wrong in some of the videos. 😂

While we watched the terrible drivers, Ness checked into tickets for me for Thursday. I was originally planning to take the train, but she figured out that the bus would be a better option for me. The best part is, I decided to come back on the 11th instead of trying to go straight from London to Cardiff airport on the 12th; this means that I can spend one more night with Chris (who will be back by then for break) and Nessie, who’ve offered to take me to the airport, before I leave! I am very, very, very happy about this!

Tomorrow Ness and I will go into her hometown to see her family and I am taking her sister a pan of fresh dressing--I am on a mission to convert the entire family to dressing lovers.

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