[FIC] Promise Me (but promises were meant to be broken...)

Sep 11, 2009 16:14

Title: Promise Me (but promises were meant to be broken...)
Author: jung_hyeri
Genre: angst
Summary: Promises were made, but aren't they meant to be broken?

Based on this story by superbmushroom that I just love so much. I wanted an angsty plotbunny and she so thoughtfully provided me with her ideas on how the story went, so this is my interpretation.

They were doomed from the moment they met, but neither of them would have believed it if you'd told them. Cho Kyuhyun had met transfer student Han Geng in high school, their meeting going innocently enough when Kyuhyun had been asked to show Geng around and help him with classes. Never noticing when 'showing around' became 'hanging out', Kyuhyun found himself almost addicted to the older boy's presence.

One evening just before graduation, both young men were laying on a small hill overlooking one of the many rivers that wound around the city, staring up at the dusky-hued sky.

"Promise me something, Kyu," Geng said suddenly, the randomness of it making Kyuhyun sit up and stare at his best friend.

"What?" he asked, suspicious.

"Promise me you won't let life get in the way of your dreams. That you'll keep going and never give up..." Geng replied in his most serious tone, still looking up at the sky with an almost far-away look in his eyes. It was kind of creepy and Kyuhyun wasn't sure he liked it.

"Stop that," he said, punching Geng lightly on the arm. "You're being freaky and I don't like it. What's got into you?"

"Nothing," Geng suddenly grinned, coming back down to earth as if he'd never left it. "I just want to be able to say 'I knew him when...' when you get famous, that's all," he teased when Kyuhyun pouted at him cutely.

"Just for that, I'm disowning you," Kyuhyun sulked, turning around and crossing his arms over his chest, trying to ignore the fluttery feelings in his stomach when he felt Geng's hands on his shoulders sliding down to around his waist. "Stop that..."

But of course Geng never did stop it and after graduation, their relationship grew from best friends to lovers, stolen moments wherever they could find the time while trying to catch their dreams. It never occurred to them that things would change as they grew older and somewhat wiser, Geng finally reaching his dream of becoming a police officer and Kyuhyun well on the way to becoming a famous singer.

"I tried to call you last night. Didn't you see the message?" Kyuhyun said angrily as he turned to face Geng, the street around them busy with late-night shoppers and bar-hopping executives.

Shaking his head, Geng sighed. "You knew I was working. Unlike you, I don't have lots of free time," he said with just a hint of bitterness creeping into his tone. "I called you back this morning but your assistant said you were at a photo shoot...."

"I didn't even know you could afford an assistant yet," he added, pushing back a stray lock of hair that seemed to have a mind of its own, falling into his eyes at the most inopportune moments.

"That's what I was trying to call you to tell you," Kyuhyun's voice rose with his distress. "I got a proper, honest-to-goodness record deal and I wanted to celebrate with you. But no, you were working," he said, his own tone betraying his feelings more than he'd intended.

Geng's face lit up, making Kyuhyun's stomach flip again in the same way it had done when they were teenagers. "That's great news," he grinned, flinging an arm over Kyuhyun's shoulders, their argument forgotten. "I'm sorry I wasn't around but I'll try and make it up to you. Let me take you out to dinner tonight and maybe after..."

The innuendo was clear as daylight and Kyuhyun couldn't help but smirk. "Only if you let me do whatever I want..." he snickered, jabbing the older man in the side and making him squirm. At Geng's nod, Kyuhyun's smile widened. "What are you waiting for?"

Their lovemaking that night rekindled the sparks that had been dying in their relationship but it was not to last very long. Kyuhyun always wondered later why he'd let things get in the way, despite his promise to Geng. He'd give up everything just to have him back again, to take back those words he'd said in anger, to run away where neither of them were known to anyone and they live (and love) together in peace.

"I don't like that new partner of yours," Kyuhyun said angrily, grabbing his jacket from where it had been draped carelessly over the back of the sofa. "He's too clingy. And fake. I don't believe anyone is that nice all the bloody time."

"If you're going to be that petty, why don't you look at yourself?" Geng shouted back, throwing one of Kyuhyun's shoes at him and narrowly missing the back of his head. "That Mi. He's too smiley and happy all the time. It's sickening. And he's just as clingy with you...and it's just creepy..." He shuddered to make his point and it angered Kyuhyun even more.

"You're nothing but a hypocrite," he snarled, turning around to face his (former) lover. "You think you can have whatever it is with Siwon and still have me, but it doesn't work that way. And then you have the nerve to get angry when I make other friends."

"Well I'm sorry but that's it. I'm through with you and your stupid jealousy. There never was anything between us before but who knows now. Maybe I'll tell him yes next time he asks me to sleep with him!"

Kyuhyun never saw Geng after that. He'd taken Mi's suggestion, moving to China with him to start building up their fanbase there, changing his number to avoid Geng's calls and messages. When he'd said he was through, he meant it and no matter what apologies Geng was going to try and make, Kyuhyun wanted no more part of it.

That was, until the news came a few months later that Geng had been killed in a shoot-out during an undercover mission, shot in the chest. He'd lingered on life support for nearly a week before they'd finally given up on trying to contact Kyuhyun to come and see him. When Kyuhyun found out, he'd screamed himself hoarse and trashed the flat he shared with Mi so badly they'd had to move out while the damage was repaired.

He never fully recovered after that and left Mi a few weeks later without so much as a word to say where he was going. Making his way back to the hill where they'd first made their promise, this time with rain pouring down on an ill and feverish Kyuhyun, the young man fell to his knees in grief.


That voice. Kyuhyun looked up, hope written on his pale face. Had he been lied to? He must have been, because here Geng was, standing in front of him in the pouring rain with such a tender look on his face that he hadn't seen in nearly a year. Choking on his tears, Kyuhyun stumbled into his lover's welcoming arms.

Hope turned to ashes in his mouth as Geng stumbled away from him soon after, coughing and retching as if he'd been shot, the harsh realities of the situation hitting Kyuhyun again.

"No, don't go...don't leave me," he pleaded with Geng, running after the disappearing man only to stumble on the gravel of the parking area at the top of the hill, his knees bloody and scraped. The words that floated back to him from his lover's ghostly lips did little in the way of comfort, the young man hunching in on himself and sobbing in heartbreak.

"I love you....Please come back to me..."

*fanfiction, character: han geng, genre: angst, character: kyuhyun

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