"shake the frame of this house, distress the wood, make it shout."

Oct 10, 2008 14:18

there's way too many typos in here for me to fix. i laready switched about 20 or 30 letters i inverted. does that make it hard to read? i don;t know it's only my journal and i don't spend much time proofreading it or on capitalization, even. i don't spell so well when i'm typing eitehr, apparently. i used to win spelling bees and i still read a lot but i mispelled definately, opportunity, and others in this.

"You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them."
- Ray Douglas Bradbury

I've realized the presidential election is just anotehr one of the "reality" shows i hate so much. I'm still watching because i want to be informed, but at what point do i say "I just don't care what these fucking idiots are doing or how it's all edited and clipped together to try to make a compelling story."

things i need to do soon:

-rake leaves
-get together my various weapons, pads, helmets, clothing for my halloween/harvey's wedding costume...i have the general idea down but i need to put everything for a dry run of how it will all fit together
-take some of the ideas i get late at night for stories or artwork and actually do something with them the next day
-things i'm forgetting at the moment

i just got back from house sitting in fallston for a little over a week. they had a cat and dog who were really cute and reminded me of my own pets. the dog is not quite a purse dog but only a little bigger and takes every opportunity to sit in your lap or the crook of your arm like a cat. what kind of souless beast could you be to not like this dog:

my love affair with my laptop grows deeper due to downloading sheer gigs of music and tv shows on the faster connection where i was house sitting to watch later this winter. i completed my ranma collection, got all of urusei yatsura, several cartoons i watched as a kid and teen (Mister T, Spider-man and His Amazing Friends, Beetlejuice), The Wire, Bones, and various web stuff (including Hot For Words, Angry Video Game Nerd, Onion News Network, My LDR, Gaytown, and more Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show).

on top of that it seems emulation has made obsolete the last game system i was still using frequently...the gameboy SP. The reason the SP has remained a favorite of mine is because of its portability, the games, and because i like to watch tv when i play videogames anyway. Most of the games i like to play on it allow you to save whenever you want, just like an emulator and crucial to playing it for random amounts of time (especially when you are at someone ele's house playing gameboy when you don't feel like paying full attention to what's going on cause i do occasionally like to hang out with people but i need to do THIS, too). Anyway, the gameboy still beats the laptop slightly in portability but recently i started playing one of the pokemon RPGs...a great game but the battle dialogue is very repetitive and even on the fast text setting it's still rather slow when you're running into pokemon in bushes every 5 seconds...Also, when you're unsure of where to go next and you just go exploring the sheer walking can seem incredibly slow, even when running, even when riding a bike...SO now i've discovered i can actually run the game at whatever speed i want in the emulator; currently i'm running it at 200% so if i'm going to spend time playing video games at least i can get twice as much done in the same time. I had to allow it to skip some frames to get it to run that fast but it's barely noticeable. Now the battles are over quickly and i can seemingly burn around the map, also the clock is running at the higher speed so my Berries grow much more quickly (relatively speaking, of course). I had to enable the Real Time Clock and change the battery settings just to get the pokemon games to work which i was lucky enough to find a document on how to fix the problem relatively quickly online. I have to use a program daily to remember all the settings and options and how to fix them, assuming i ever spent some time familiarizing myself with it in the first place. right now i'm getting mad i don;t know how to quickly change the names of folders i'm uploading my pics to so all these are going into one called New for June. I should be using the FTP Lucas has so my pics stay in better quality than this site uses but that was too mcuh stuff i don't feel like relearning right now.

this makes me further wonder just how much i enjoy video games anymore...if i'm so pleased i can play the game faster does this jsut mean that i think the game is a waste of time?? i like playing hte games and sinking into them a bit, losing track of time, drinking coffee, getting lucky breaks, playing better than i expected. playing pokemon at hyperspeed will get rid of a lot of downtime when i'm just biting my nails at least.

when i first started playing video games it was on atari, nintendo, and the commodore 64. I typically would play for hours, sometimes playing with a firend and alternating playing, perfectly content to sit and watch them play even tho eagerly awaiting my turn. Also, in the case of C64, it often took a good 5 minutes to load up your game initally. The music and sound effects is all locked into my brain to the point where i listen to soundtracks of it about 1/5 of the total music i listen to. I would replay games for the best endings, try to get every little thing, replay the same level 45 times to try to get through it...also, play for hours and then turn the nintendo off, and then have to replay all the earlier levels to get back to the place i couldn't beat. there were some games, like mortal kombat and super sprint that i liked to play drunk. It seemed ot almost enhance the game if i could remember all the button combinations for figthing and finishing moves. Twised Metal is probably my all time favorite drunken driving game and i beat that game drunk plenty of times.

now when i play, i turn the volume down or switch it to "sound effects only" and listen to NPR or watch tv while i play because jsut playing the game by itself would seem like too much time for too little reward. If i play with a friend it almost has to be 2 player simultaneous, unless i have my gameboy to play while i wait my turn. I get mad if it's more than about 10 minutes before save points. Getting to a really hard point and then dying and having to redo more than about 5 minutes of previous play pises me off also...there don't seem to be many games like this anymore, or maybe i just don't play that type. when i play older games like that on nintendo emulator i save my place all the time and reload that point if i die because of something stupid or "the game cheated"...some of the games really aren't even fun when you take away that challenge aspect, but it's hard to justify replaying a level for 15 minutes when you can jsut hit f7 and be right there. Now, i play games completely sober, i feel i need all my faculties and reaction time to properly enjoy the game. Even drinking too much coffee can be bad because then i react too quickly on games like Tony Hawk Pro Skater and have caffeine urging rage at the game to new levels when i can't get to a place or complete a goal i need.

even to myself, this sounds kind of ridiculous, like i am addicted to video games but i guess i am. It's chasing those elusive perfect times that keeps you going, just like a heroin addict never getting as high as the first time... several moments off the top of my head:

-playing super mario 3 the summer it came out. me and lucas both bought a copy a day or two after it was released becasue we had 2 nintendos at the time and we wanted to be able to play simultaneously.

-playing eternal warriors or mortal kombat with lucas, high off of the cookies with icing my mom used to get

-super mario world with an old girlfriend and her cousins with her mostly trying to beat a level after her cousins couldn't, wasting many lives just slipping off clouds and then i'd beat it in 2 or 3 tries.

-full on wartime raging at medal of honor underground at tracey's house after ben got it for me as a gift. never have nazis, coffee and headshots combined to make one person so happy. between those games and history channel's world war II documentaries, just hearing those german kind of words makes me happy. any of the ones that sound like stein, panser, macher etc

-arcades bring a whole different nostalgia, mostly of the ocean city boardwalk and the one in constant friendship with russ

despite everything i've just said i'm attempting to actually use my computer less now. i'm still not as ocd as i once was, maybe because i don't have so many internet friends i'm trying to keep up with. It will take me a while to add in all the new albums i got to iTunes(since i'm anal about orginization, artwork, playlists, etc) and even longer to watch a portion of the new shows. Now i feel like i can stay off surf the channel and soulseek indefinately and it's jsut not worth it t download at a much slower speed (i'll make an exception for Dexter and the O'Reilly Factor and several other podcast). I often have to take my comp to the house to get a steady signal...it's just not quite reaching the treehouse right now...sometimes closing the door is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Once the leaves fall off the trees it may get better or if my mom finally gets a new computer lucas can move the router back where he orignally had it. I already want to get a new computer...i saw one with twice the gigs and memory of the one i have for jsut 50 dollars more than i bought mine for in february. i'm trying to keep logical about it because i really don't NEED another one and i have two external drives now anyway...i do think i should buy a newer iPod soon because Lucas' old one will only hold a charge that lets it play for 2-3 hours, 1 hour when it's cold. i might jsut wait and buy it with christmas money. i'm toying with investing some of the money i've saved, or just getting a cd or whatever...the ones where you pay like 500 dollars now and get 750 in 5 years from the bank...with the crazy ass economy maybe i'm jsut better off putting it in a savings account with the highest interest rates i can find.

iTunes artwork for clips of O'Reilly
i use for ringtones or other amusements

more album covers, pokemon, dog, and girl gone slightly wild

he flipped out about the loans this much, too. classic!

again, i must say this dog is cute:

through russ' talent with photoshop i now not only have a treehouse but a hottie delivering a 1.75 of vodka as well. the real protion of the pic is several years old, when the treehouse still had a wood stove (note smoke stack) and was unpainted.

i'm riding down josh's later. maybe i'll actually make it out of the house by 9 tonight. i gotta stop and get gas, also, and i'm not really sure when the gas stations i can make it to close tonight. i get 100 miles to the tank which is great but i only have a 3.5 liter tank so i gotta refill constantly since im usually going a bit of distance since i live kinda far out from anything. it's definately a bit chilly on the moped already. I'm already wearing gloves and a sweater under a windbreaker. it's maybe time for pajamas under my pants tonight. i think i like riding more on a sunny autumn day than even a sunny summer day, provided i'm dressed warmly enough. Everything looks crisper and i can shut all the vents in the helmet so i barely hear the engine noise.

Frantz rules! i wouldn't kick Danica McKellar out of my sleeping bag, either. I'm quite willing to kiss her math.

Skam skim.
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