Sep 20, 2008 05:07
i've discovered tonight that pain is the true way to stay awake and alert. my back is hurting like it never has before. coffee is warm milk compared to this shit. It started 2 days ago in my lower left back...i fel it when i woke up thursday morning. It hurts but it's not the first time i've woke up stiff and as usual once i moved around a bit it loosened up and i even worked out a few hours later without problems. It continued to ache now and then on thursday and friday but i still fed the horses and shoveled shit and pushed the wheelbarrow with no problems and then last night it just continued to hurt until around 11pm i thought i'd sit on the floor and read...that didn't help...then i laid down and quickly found that not only couldn't i get into a reading position i couldn't find any position that didn't kill. i did fall asleep twice laying flat on my back for about an hour and a half each time. now trying to lift somehting like my foot or a cup to drink out of is extremely tricky. i suppose i shouldn't be sitting up right now but onthe other hand it doesn't hurt any more than laying down. this is the worst back pain i've ever had and the first that i couldn't immediatley get a little relief from by stretching or just standing up straight. this shit is on lockdown. I'm pretty sure it's a muscle and not some organ going haywire...i dont feel any swelling and the pain feels near the surface. i don't remember feeling anything that cuased this either...usually when i'm sore one day i can pinpoint just what i did even tho it was jsut a twinge with no ache the day before. my mom is a nurse so i'm going to ask her what to do when she wakes up...that will probably jsut lead to her telling me i need insurance, diagnosing me with every disease every pertaining to back pain and informing my dad and grandmother about it so they can ask me questions the rest of the week. Usually, that's why i hide any illness,pain as best i can but i'm desperate. guess i can try a website, too. Bill O'Reilly is telling me to just suck it up.
Still not desperate enough to go the doctor immediately...i'll do a couple days like this and see what happens. i don't know what the hell i'm going to do to keep occupied if i can;t position myself comfortably to watch .flv files or read, maybe curl into a ball and listen to talk radio podcasts.
it must be officially cold out because my cat slept inside with me all night, even despite me tossing him about 20 times so i could turn over. i heard some gunshots around 3 am...that can't be good. i don't know if anyting is in season...maybe drunken husband season...they don't give licenses for that tho, unless you're james bond.
maybe i'm not as aware as i thought becasue there were alot of typing mistakes when i reread this. i fixed most...i think. the novelty of being up this early is already wearing off. i used to feel kind of drugged when i was sleep deprived, now i usually just feel rather nauseous.