Title: No Speeding
sv100 PROMPT: children
Pairings: Dinah/Bart
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: AU!Future Fic.
Summary: Dinah's #1 rule in the kitchen...
Notes: Sadly Bart's not in this one, but hopefully, he will be next time. And I hope you guys like Mel & Carol, they'll probably be in more fics later on!
no speeding........ )
Title: Of Visions, Boys, and Calls
sv100 PROMPT: children
Pairings: Oliver/Zatanna, Dinah/Bart
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: AU!Future Fic.
Summary: The usual drama of being a teenage girl...
Notes: Carolyn is from my Dinah/Bart drabble, posted above. Well I hope you guys like these offspring as well, 'cause I'm sure to write more about them. ;D
of visions, boys, and calls (1-4)........ )