Team Aliens // 6 Drabbles

Jan 13, 2009 11:23

Title: Water
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Kara/AC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none

They rarely made love in a bed.  The difference in strength was too great; she was too afraid she would hurt him.  It was different in the water.  The water gave him strength, much like the earth's sun gave her strength.  The idea of power and strength coming from nature made her feel connected... So she came to love the water as she loved the sun; she loved the way he was so at home in the depths, she loved how, in the water, his strength came close to matching hers, his speed bested her.

In water, they were equals.

Title: That One
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Kara/AC
Rating: PG
Warnings:  None

"They're too breakable," she said.  AC shifted slightly, blocking the broken edge of the bed from view.

"Kara, you can punch holes in walls and catch cars with your bare hands.  The only way we could find a non-breakable bed for you would involve Kryptonite, and we're not going there.  Let's just choose a bed, have it delivered as soon as possible, and we can use it for more interesting things," he said.  She tilted her head.

"Like sex?" she asked.  He smirked.

"Yes," he said, and she nodded, then pointed to the biggest bed in the showroom.

"That one."

Title: Disappear
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Note: future fic

Her hands were on her hips, her foot tapping impatiently.  She'd checked everywhere for him: his arrow room, the garage, the pool, the study... He was nowhere to be found.  Chloe shook her head as she stalked through the hallway, muttering under her breath about a few things she would like to do to him for just disappearing.  He did this every time it seemed.  Came home from work, was everything she could ask for, and then... Gone.  Whenever it was time to put the kids to bed, Oliver disappeared.

She was so going to get him back for this.

Title: Day
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

She rested her cheek in her hand as she looked at the man in bed with her.  Sunlight through the window played over his features, making him even more beautiful.  He stirred, his eyes opening to find her.  He smiled a little as he looked at her, his hand coming up to skim over her shoulder.

"What are your plans for today?" he asked, voice still heavy with sleep.  She smiled.

"Well, I thought - if it's okay with you - maybe we could stay in bed all day."

He tugged her closer.  "I like the way you think, Sidekick."

Title: Different
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Lana, Chloe
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Author's Note: high school fic

She lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.  It was different.  Strange.  She wasn't in her Aunt Nell's home anymore.  Instead, she was living with Chloe and her father.  She got to stay at the same school in the same town with her same friends... She got to have her own room, her own furniture, her own bed... But a different home.  The view was different from her bedroom window now, her furniture arranged differently in a different room.

"Lana, are you okay?"  Chloe'd come to check on her.

"I think so," Lana replied.

Different didn't have to be bad.

Title: Not Home
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe
Rating: G
Warnings: None

Chloe Sullivan hated hospitals.  First, they were a sign that she was once again sick or injured.  The food sucked.  The hospital gowns were ugly and quite frankly embarrassing.  And the beds.  How she loathed hospital beds.  The sheets were scratchy.  And too thin.  The blankets were never enough, so she could never quite get warm.  And the mattresses on those beds?  Too hard.  The hospital probably thought of them as firm and good for the back, but they were hard as a rock and made it hard to sleep.  But the worst thing about the hospital?

It wasn't home.

challenge: bed, pairing: kara/ac, team: aliens, author: revivingophelia, character: arthur "aquaman" curry, character: oliver "green arrow" queen, character: lana lang, character: chloe "watchtower" sullivan, pairing: chloe/oliver, character: kara "supergirl" kent

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