Team Aliens // 10 Drabbles

Jan 13, 2009 22:01

Title: Promise
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Clark, Chloe
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: season 1

He'd always known she was small.  Chloe was a tiny person, but so full of energy and in constant motion; it was easy to forget how small and fragile she really was... Until he was standing here, looking at her tiny form as she lay quietly in a hospital bed.  Unconscious.  The sight of it ate at him, and he hated the feeling of helplessness that was nearly suffocating him as he stood there, knowing he hadn't helped her, that he hadn't stopped this.

Clark silently vowed to do everything in his power to make sure this never happened again.

Title: Weekend
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Kara, Chloe, mentions Chloe/Clark
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Notes: none

"Chloe, are you ill?"

The blonde frowned at the question, turning to look at Kara.  "No.  Why?"

"Well, when humans are ill, they stay in bed, right?"

Chloe nodded slowly.  "Yeah, sometimes.  Again... why?"

"Well, I overheard cousin Clark talking, and he said that with me visiting Aunt Martha in Washington this weekend, that the two of you would be all alone, and he's going to keep you in bed all weekend."  She turned wide eyes on Chloe.  "Why would he do that if you aren't ill?" she asked innocently.

Chloe was too busy trying not to laugh to answer.

Title: Personal
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Lex, mentions Chloe and Clark
Rating: PG
Warnings/Notes: season 1

He stood just inside the hospital room, hands shoved in the pockets of expensive slacks.  There was a frown on his face as he looked at the petite girl that was laying in the bed.  He didn't know Chloe well, had only met her a few times, but she was friends with Clark, and Clark was his friend.  That meant that the health of the girl in the bed was important to him.  That, coupled with the fact that her injuries had happened at his home, made this personal to Lex.

The men who did this were going to pay.

Title: Care
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Oliver, Chloe
Rating:  G
Warnings/Notes: none

She needed to take care of herself better.  She drank too much coffee, didn't eat well, and when she fell asleep, it was rarely in a bed.  She'd thrown a fit when he tried to switch her to decaf, but his efforts to get her to eat decent food (and eat more regularly) had been somewhat successful, even if she usually ate while working.  And if he still frequently found her sleeping at her desk, then the best Oliver figured he could do for that was pick Chloe up and carry her to her room, putting her to bed himself.

Title: Now
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Rating:  PG
Warnings/Notes: none

When she had first met Oliver, she hadn't thought this was where their relationship would end up.  He was rich and handsome and a hero and... Well, guys that went for her were generally none of those things.  Maybe handsome.  But usually crazy or geeky or evil.  But here she was, in his bed, his arms around her as he slept, his expression peaceful.  No, this wasn't where she'd thought things with him would go when they'd met in Clark's barn all that time ago, but it's where they were now, and Chloe couldn't imagine wanting things any other way.

Title: Pink
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing:  Lana, Chloe
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: season 1

Lana sat cross-legged on Chloe Sullivan's bed, watching as the other girl pulled out the dress she had for the dance.  Admittedly, Lana felt a little sad knowing that Clark had asked Chloe to go to the dance, but she knew that wasn't fair.  If Clark got over his crush on her and fell for Chloe instead... That should be a good thing.  Chloe was smart and nice and a lot of fun, and Chloe and Clark could be really good together.

"Is it too pink?" Chloe's voice, a little worried.  The brunette smiled, then spoke honestly.

"You look amazing."

Title: Injured
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe, Clark
Rating:  G
Warnings/Notes: none

Clark gave his best friend a pathetic look.  "But Chloe..."

She arched a brow at him, settling herself more comfortably on his bed, a pillow between her and the headboard, her legs stretched out on the quilt.  She winced a little as she bumped her shoulder.  "But nothing, Clark."

"It's a... girl movie," he complained, and she gestured with her good arm to the sling she was wearing.

"I got hurt saving your butt," she reminded him.  "I get to choose the movie," Chloe told him, and Clark sighed before settling in to watch Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.


Title: Last One
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Rating:  PG-13
Warnings/Notes: none

He'd shared a bed with a lot of women over the years.  It wasn't something he was proud of.  He hadn't thought much of it at the time, hadn't thought he would find someone that made him wish he could change his past.  But he had, and there was no going back, there was only going forward.  When he was with her, he forgot everyone else.  Women in his past didn't matter.  Chloe wasn't the first woman to be in Oliver's bed, but he was certain she'd be the last one.  The only one for the rest of his life.

Title: Distracted
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe, Clark
Rating: PG
Warnings/Notes: none

Her presence in his room was distracting him.  He was at his desk, but she was on his bed, stretched out on her stomach, her books spread out around her.  She was completely comfortable and at ease in his room, on his bed, but Clark couldn't stop focusing on the fact that she was *on his bed*.  True, he wasn't there with her, but she was the first girl to be on his bed, and he couldn't seem to make his mind stop wandering-

"Clark, are you okay?  You seem a little... distracted," Chloe said.

She really had no idea.

Title: Falling
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe/Clark
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: none

She yelped as they fell, her hands gripping his shirt, their legs tangled.  They fell onto his bed, the breath knocked out of her as he landed on top.  He started to lift himself off her, but she still gripped his shirt, so he stayed where he was, both breathing heavily.  He couldn't remember how they had ended up so tangled up together... But right now, he couldn't take his eyes off of her.  Her face, her lips... Her eyes widened as she noted his gaze, and then, quite suddenly, Chloe leaned up and kissed him.

Clark kissed her back.

character: clark "boy scout" kent, challenge: bed, team: aliens, author: revivingophelia, character: oliver "green arrow" queen, character: lana lang, character: chloe "watchtower" sullivan, pairing: chloe/oliver, character: kara "supergirl" kent, character: lex luthor, pairing: chloe/clark

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