Team Humans // 10 Drabbles

Jan 13, 2009 00:31

Here are 10 drabbles for Team Humans. 5 are het and 5 are slash. I might do more but I hope this helps and I hope you guys enjoy them. Spoilers for all 8 seasons mixed in so best not read if you aren't up to date.


Title: Falling
Team: Humans
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Clark/Lois
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: So with the new season of Smallville I am being won over by this pairing. sorry, it’s nice because they are meant to be.

It was an accident. One of those truly rare incidents that neither of them had planned or anticipated.

He had been caught off guard and his hand had slipped around her wrist. He had taken a step back not knowing that that was where he had tossed his boots and he had lost his footing.

The next moment Clark was flat on his bed with Lois on top of him. His arms had somehow slipped around her waist and they way she stared down at him made it hard to ignore the fact that there was something happening between them.

Title: Strength
Team: Humans
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Clark/Chloe
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: I love the dynamic between the two, Clark and Chloe are the best thing about the show.

“Clark, I don’t want to die down here.” Chloe whispered sharply in his ear her hand gripping his arm and it felt like her nails were digging into his flesh. “So you move your Kryptonion ass away from those rocks and get us out of her.”

He panted gripping his eyes tightly as he focused every last ounce of his strength on her words. He bit back a snarl as he took another agonizing step away from the source of his pain.

“That’s it.” she whispered and he felt his body since down onto something soft as the pain faded.

Title: Believe
Team: Humans
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: This would be a fun pairing to see, I think they would be beautiful together.

Chloe was, amazing. Oliver had never meet anyone like her. He had loved Lois but that relationship had ended and he was finally fine with that.


She had been just another faded wrinkled spot in his bed.

She was a part of his team and not just because of her friendship with Clark.

Whenever he needed anything done she was there and he made sure to return the favor. Oliver knew the team needed a base so instead of picking a place he had picked a person. When they needed to check in they were told to call Chloe.

Title: Chill
Team: Humans
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Clark/Lana
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: Probably my least favorite pairing in Smallville but I had to try it and I am happy with the result.

Clark had gotten used to sleep beside her at night. Her skin warm against his own. Her breathing comforting him. That little bit of human contact he had always crazed. Lana at made a place beside him in his bed and now that she was gone he found it hard to sleep.

Most nights he would laid awake feeling a phantom cold from where her skin no longer touched his. It kept him up, her not being there, not being near him.

He had done the right thing but all he was left with was the chill of being alone.

Title: Charming
Team: Humans
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Lex/Lana
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: Not really a fan of the pairing but I love how it was done in the show. It really showed a new side to Lana.

She had fit into his bed so easily. All dark hair and dark eyes wrapped up in an innocence that was quickly becoming a lie. Her body was made for silk sheets and her mind was adapting sharply to the Luthor way of thinking.

Lana fit in far more easily than he thought she would. Almost like she had been born to be the Queen of the empire and something told Lex that despite her proclamations of love she might be just another snake in disguise.

She may not have the Luthor blood but Lex had made her into one.


Title: Destiny
Team: Humans
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Clark/Lex
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash
Author's Notes: What can I say? I love this pairing.

It was worth it. All the lies and accusations. The hateful words and years of separation.

Lex had become Luthor, a true villain that had nearly destroyed the world and had destroyed more than one life and Clark had become Superman, the hero, a beacon of hope for everyone.

And they had become enemies.

But it had been another lie, another cover.

And now it was over. They had done it

Once again they were just Lex and Clark, now sharing a bed in the White House. Because they were going to change the world, it was their destiny, together.

Title: Fit
Team: Humans
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Clark/Oliver
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash
Author's Notes: This is one of my favorite pairings for Smallville.

It was hardly a comfortable fit. The bed was too small and they were too frantic but they barely even noticed. Oliver had Clark’s shirt half off and Clark had his head thrown back as a hot mouth attacked his neck.

Clark had been dead. Oliver had been the one to kill him. Right now, they couldn’t afford to go slow. They needed this, more than anything else. They needed to prove that they both were alive and okay.

That they were together again.

So really they barely noticed the fact that they were half hanging off the small bed.

Title: Breaking
Team: Humans
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Clark/Davis
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash
Author's Notes: I desperately want to see more of this pairing, I am really surprised there isn’t anything yet (or at least not anything I could find but if you have please link me).

It had started out innocently enough. Just a cup of coffee shared between two men that could be friends. They both cared for Chloe and they both were heroes. All Clark’s friends either wore leather or had a powerful piece of technology in their brains.

Then there meetings had gotten more frequent.

They stood closer together.

The bed had been soft, and they had fallen asleep after a night of pizza and bad movies. Now things were spiraling. Davis was hiding something and Clark had lied from day one. It was only a matter of time before things fell apart.

Title: Mistake
Team: Humans
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Lex/Oliver
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash
Author's Notes: I had to do it, I was running out of pairings and these boys are just too much fun.

It had been a mistake. One they both choose to ignore. They had meet at a charity event being thrown by a hotel that Luthor Corp owned and neither had been able to resist tossing thinky veiled insults at each other.

Things had escalated.

Oliver had tore Lex’s favorite shirt. Lex had retaliated by biting Oliver’s shoulder hard enough that Lois would end up asking some very suspicious questions. Also, there might have been a bed involved and a little too much alcohol.

It had been a mistake. A mistake neither wanted to remember but both found hard to forget.

Title: Counting
Team: Humans
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Clark/Jason
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash
Author's Notes: I like this pairing, because its hard not to like anything with Jensen Ackles.

There first time had been in the bed of Clark’s truck. They had won and the relationship between Clark and his coach had taken a drastic turn. There was no thoughts of Lana or of the fact that not only could Jason lose his job but he could possible go to jail.

It was Kansas.

They have avoided any further risk and let it end there.

Their second time had happened in the showers after all the other players had gone home.

The third was a guest room at Lex’s because Lex was a good friend.

Clark had stopped counting.

character: clark "boy scout" kent, character: lois lane, pairing: chloe/oliver, pairing: clark/oliver, pairing: chloe/clark, pairing: clark/jason, challenge: bed, character: oliver "green arrow" queen, pairing: lex/oliver, author: chosenfire28, character: davis "doomsday" bloome, character: lana lang, pairing: lana/lex, character: chloe "watchtower" sullivan, pairing: clark/davis, character: jason teague, team: humans, pairing: lana/clark, character: lex luthor, pairing: lois/clark

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