Clever subject title here.

Nov 27, 2014 09:54

Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends!

Hi. Been awhile. I think I've even forgotten most of the LJ code to do things in your entries. Ahaha. I haven't been feeling very fannish in a long time. It kind of faded on me in a weird, very palpable way. And then it was dead for awhile, and then my real life got hectic. And the dog that came to live with me, and whom I loved very quickly, passed away from cancer. And my nephews still take a LOT of time. (jesus, do they) And just... I don't know. I guess we all have our times.

And now I can feel my interests coming back, and I don't feel so numb anymore, and that is really good! I don't really have a fandom, but I'm feeling pretty fannish about The Walking Dead, tbh, so I might be going that way. It's just... the change of showrunner really made a difference for me. It's like someone who has rational ideas is actually writing the characters now, even though they are still having problems including everyone. But. Whatever.

Anyway. Here's a bit of an update:

I don't know how those of you with kids do it. I never had them because I think I sort of felt, in my heart, that I was too possessive of my alone time and I'd have a hard time with them. Maybe too selfish? I don't know. But I know now I was correct. And kudos to those of you who have the patience to do it 24/7.

They are only with me 2 days a week and every other weekend. And their dad lives with me, so you wouldn't think it would be hard on me. But OH MY GOD. They pee everywhere in the bathroom. They refuse to change their underwear. They refuse to wear anything BUT the underwear when we are at home. They screech at random moments. They scream my name from across the house every ten minutes. I cannot sleep. I cannot relax. I can never be alone. I occasionally want to scream back and lock them in the basement. I do not do this. I always love them. They giggle and laugh and ask me why things are the way they are. They have conversations. You can watch them figuring things out. They love my taste in bad movies. They like to snuggle on the sofa. They have good memories of things we have done, and they make all of us smile. They say 'I love you', all the time. I would freak THE FUCK out if anything ever happened to them.

It's true. Even as an aunt who is very hands-on part-time. It's the hardest job, but it's the most rewarding. Ugh. Why.


So, True Blood ended. And it was... okay. It didn't end the way I wanted it to end, but it was fine. Bill was my favorite and SPOILER ALERT... he died. Well, he asked Sookie to kill him, which was weird. I mean, I'm not sure why they felt she had to do it, except I guess they felt like if she did it, it would be some sort of closure. But it didn't ring true of Bill's regard for her to me. But whatever. I did think that Bill deciding to just die and be with his family was very in character. He never did really feel like a true vampire. It was always hard for him. And Sookie going with someone (presumably) that is not supernatural felt like the only true ending for her.

The Walking Dead has really been grabbing me lately. I never struggled to watch it, but the last few seasons have made it hard to really like the writers and how they were writing the characters. It was just... it was hard. But they changed show runners, and as frustrating as the format can be, where they focus on only two to three characters in an episode, and then you don't see them again for another 2 eps, it's also very beneficial to the characters themselves. I mean, I hated the Governor. HATED. His time was up after one season. Dragging him into another one was excruciating. But... weirdly... the eps that actually only focused on him and what he did after his town was destroyed, were really riveting and good. I mean, I'm glad he's gone, but that surprised me. I almost skipped those eps because UGH, but they were good.

And the way they've been doing that ever since, only with the regulars, has been nice. I still find Rick the most attractive. I just... I'm predictable, okay? OKAY?

But I ship Daryl/Carol, because Carol has become the best thing ever. I was pretty neutral on her in the beginning, and the writers did not write any of the women very well. Nor did they even seem to hold them in any sort of actual regard, to be honest. But Carol... she's really just become her own arc. I love her. And Michonne. And the rest need a bit of work, but maybe they can do it?

And just... older woman/younger man? YES, PLEASE! And in a serious way, not just the woman playing around with no serious intentions? It really doesn't happen very often. I WOULD LOVE THAT.

I also still feel feelings for Hawkeye/Black Widow and Elliot/Liv, tbh. So. I don't know.

I just couldn't sleep one night and turned on the TV, and there was one of the Alias Smith and Jones movies. And I was like "OH, PETE!" all over again. Because I used to come home from school and watch old reruns of the show and swoon and sigh over Pete Duel as Hannibal Heyes. And then I found out he committed suicide at the height of the show. And just... it really kind of hooked me.

Now I'm rewatching the show and feeling weirdly sad and nostalgic and attracted to him again.

I bought the book his sister wrote.

Also, I'm not THAT old. He was already dead when I was watching his show in syndication. Even at the time I was watching it, it was dated and pretty old. JUST SAYING...

After Sky passed away, I was very sad for a week, but then I was better. And while my brother, who had gotten her as a puppy, was devastated and said he could never do it again, I felt... like I could. Like, I would rather have a short time with good dogs, even though it would hurt when I had to let go, than see them live in a shelter and have no one love them.

And I loved the Weimaraner breed, so I contacted a rescue and went through weeks of applications and phone interviews. And I have one last phone call tonight to confirm plans, and then, hopefully, tomorrow I will be driving to Michigan to meet some dogs, and I will be bringing one home. Yay!

My nephews have declared I will be the weird old dog lady of the block. VERY WELL. I must be myself.

So, that is it for now. I haven't been reading my flist lately, and I've mostly been on Tumblr and Facebook. But I have heard that LJ is kind of dead now for fandoms. I suppose it probably depends on the fandom. So, maybe I will see what is here for TWD. Even without exploring much, I just KNOW it will be filled with people who hate various female characters because they interfere with ships, both slash and het. So. Carefully, carefully, I guess. As usual.

Anyway, what have you been up to?

i am the center of the universe, the walking dead, true blood

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