omg, it's finally spring. for real. mostly.

May 05, 2014 12:10

Good grief, it's finally fairly clear that spring is really here. Winter really held on with all the teeth and claws it had going for it, didn't it? In the US and Canada anyway. And it's still cool, with days of rain and bad weather, but at least we're having more and more days of sun and warmth.

Listed for your convenience:

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone is surprisingly funny. And full of heart. And has an actual good musical score. I was so sure it was going to suck, and now I've watched it about a million times on cable. Ahaha.

I am seeing pictures of the filming of Avengers II. Whoo, whoo!

With warmer days upon us, I've started geocaching with my nephews. It's so fun! Except our first journey/find was a bit... hairy. [creepy-ass places in towns]

The first find took us to the Little League Baseball fields in our town. Except, way at the edge of the park, where there was a quarry and lots of old junk and tiny forests. We were following my brother's iphone, which took us through a marsh and then into long grass, then into a ditch where there was a deer skeleton. Then he found a tick and we all had to do a tick check. Then the youngest nephew got caught in thorn bushes and I had to free him. Then we realized bro's phone wasn't refreshing properly and actually we had to go back through the marsh and to the right. Aha. Ha.

So, we finally got walking in the correct direction, upon which youngest said, very brightly and only slightly sarcastically (he is 8): "C'mon, Jen! Let's go die in a ditch now!"


We found the little altoids tin with stickers in it, and fun was had by all. A bit better with the second find, where no ticks harassed us, and there were no bones lying around.

I occasionally look for micro-sized caches by myself on walks, and it's so weird, but the creepiest place in our rather big town, is the outskirts of the well-to-do housing areas. They're just... so devoid of... everything. The lawns are all perfect and the houses are huge, but there are never people outside of them, and it is always so silent. Very few cars drive through, and whenever you do see someone walking, it's one of the residents walking from a backyard shed to the house and casting you spooky, haunted looks.

I always hurry through the areas.

Meloni's new sitcom is surprisingly funny! I feel like someone worked with him to reign in his OTT-ness, and he's able to strike the right balance for the role he's playing. I'm not catching every episode, but when I do watch it (Surviving Jack), it always amuses me. Good for him!

By the way, someone who still watches SVU, catch me up on what has happened since Elliot left. What's Liv's story now? I know I saw ads a while back that showed Cassidy back in her life? Also, I hear the show is on the bubble of being cancelled because Dick Wolf wants more money or something. Like he isn't one of the richest men in TV Hollywood already. Heh.

Rookie Blue. I have finished it. Ummmm... Okay. I see what some of you mean by the pacing being off now. [Spoiler (click to open)]Like, it reminded me of the end of JAG. They basically spent all this time on building up the Sam and Andy story with other people. Sam with Marlo and Andy with Nick, and then, all of a sudden, in the last episode of the season, at the END of the episode, it was all "Oh, I love you, by the way."

Huh. It was just... the final episode didn't match the rest of the season so much. That made it very unsatisfying, even though I want Sam and Andy together.

Also, did Nick look, like, a little evil at the end there? Not so much sad as "I have decided to destroy the world now." Maybe it was just a mis-read by me.

Oliver was the best this season. Just... he was the best.

I'm ready for next season though, despite it all.

Also, ready for True Blood's final season. Awww, my crazy, bizarre little show!

[Personal whining.]I've been suffering from the worst ennui ever. I just don't know what I want or what will make me happy or how to focus on anything worthwhile. I'm spinning a bit.

I did apply for a new job at the same company I'm at now. It's a coordinating job, which means I'd be in charge of a department. A lot more responsibility, which I don't even know if I want. But it pays more, and I'd be back on days, and would be in an area much less likely to be outsourced to Mexico. My interview went okay, and I have two supervisors pulling for me, but I'm really anxious about it and kind of fearful that I'll hate it if I get it, and wouldn't it just be better to stay where I am and slowly sink into the pavement? Ugh.

I'm not much of a leader, really. But then I feel sometimes like it's really way, WAY past time to grow up and take more responsibility and get paid better. And it's been really, really hard to go to work lately. It's time for SOME sort of change. IDK. I think I'll find out this week if the job could be mine or not. Half of me really wants it, and the other half would be relieved if I don't get it and can just stay where I am.

Bleah. Life is fucking hard. whinewhinewhine.

On the other hand, when you're feeling under the weather and sleeping late, you know what makes you feel really soothed? A warm, fuzzy, softly snoring dog, snuggled up next to you.

Just saying...

i am the center of the universe, meloni, rookie blue

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