One huge mess... .

Nov 08, 2009 00:07

It's been 10 weeks since the last entry! To me it seems like noting is going on but stuff happened.

2 years (or 3? I don't know. I don't even remember what happened yesterday) ago my dad got a Liutenant Colonel (sounds so fancy in english..) rank and it meant that after one job under this title he might get a job aboard. I was so excited when he told us that this promotion in Utah was open for him and I really wished that we'll move there. It also meant that for me, it will be super easy to decide if I want to stay at the boarding school or move with my family. The second choice is the obvius one. But my dad didn't got this job at Utah cause he's "too good for it". AHHH!@ WHAT DO YOU MEAN TOO GOOD? IT'S FREAKING USA FOR 2 YEARS! I WANTED TO MOVE TO SOMEWHERE THAT WE DIDN'T LIVED IN. TWICE!  It really annoys me and I keep thinking all the time what to do next year - not moving to the USA doens't mean that we're not moving. We are, to a place that we already lived in, twice (I already wrote that, lol). I don't like this place at all but it's better from this hole we live in for those last 2 years.

The thing is, that this place is just an hour away from the boarding school, and I could just be in the same school for four years and graduate there, be there with my friends that I know and love and on and on.

From the other side, it means being there for 2 straight weeks, which is very hard because it's rare to get some privecy and "me time" which is super important to me, and this place has a different clock than the real world - it's stuck in a bubble of another time, when it's stops but at the same time the months are flying by. It's super busy in the boarding school, lots of activities, projects, being with friends all the time and trying to get some sleep, tons of traveling, hyking and sleeping outdoors, and it's not really me, but I did it last year and it went pretty well.

New school next year will mean to start all over again - new friends to make, new teachers, a huge school that I don't know and subject to choose that I don't even know what I'm looking for and if I can get in at this late point. Sooo much that I'm thinking about right now.

This is the start of our 3rd year in the same base - something that I'm not really used to and it bugged me that we didn't do the whole "wrapping the house in a week" marathon and moving to some other place. I think that I had enoguh for the boarding school and I don't want to be there anymore.

I know I have a loooot of time to think about it till summer comes and then I'll really have to choose, but right now it's in my head every day......  If they just said to my dad "hey, you're moving aboard, congrads!" it could have been so much easier..

WOW okay that was a long long confeused angry part of what happened in those last few weeks.

Other stuff are going pretty well... I guess I just needed to get it all out. Although I always complain about it to my friend, lol. I'm think she's a bit tired of it.

Can't wait till I'll come home this week and watch it :D

Oh, one more thing.
I just notice that I don't care about tv anymore. Just about House lol. But that's it.... It's weird..

Sorry about all the misspelled words out there. I'm super tired...
Goodnight :)

future, house, errrg!, boarding school

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