
Apr 21, 2010 13:59

LJ stopped couunting the weeks since the last entry lol. The last one was in November. Oops.
So... a lot was going on.. a lot will go on. didn't post something for this whole year, which worth at least 100 entries lol. and it's not over yet. soon will be though...  lol. i have no idea what to write. i guess i'll do it in my old fashion way.

hmmmm *brain wheels starting to work*

BOARDING SCHOOL - in the begining of the year i had a huge conflict if i want to stay there or not. because i was kinda full with it and ready to move on. but then i realized that no other place will be as much fun, full of people that i love and this crazy routine as the boarding school so i decided to stay. my roomate told me to take it as a challenge to stay in the same place for more than 2 years. challange accepted :)

MOVING - we're moving to a base that we've lived in for 2 times before, but it's fine. It's close enough to my friends and to the boarding school, so it's gonna be okay :D we'll start to pack soon, i really can't wait lol. this is kind of a fuck that i got in this lifestyle of moving again and again every 2 years.

SCHOOL - been going okay. we have this kinda thign in israel that for every subject there are final exams for every subject, and for every subject there are 1-5 unites. so there are a few unites in one final exams and bla bla bla. = very long tests. so this year i have history - which is pretty easy, it's just knowing what happened and remember all of it, math - going very bad. my avrage grade in tests is like, 30. but i finally found a way to work this out and i'll be fine, and english - this year's test is pretty easy. defenitely getting above 90.

MUSIC - desperetly waiting for Interpol's new album. after a whole year of 'will come out on eatly 2010' i almost cried when i read new speculations about june-july. even that is not so sure! other than that?..  Broken Bells are amazing :D been listening non-stop since the album got out.

(sorry for the lack of capital letters btw)

lol i can't think of anything else. so i'm gonna watch something on tv. yay for the new season of 30 rock that finally started here! (also: bones (seasonn one, not five. huge fail), modern family, better of ted, and... blah) t

til next time.. :)

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