(no subject)

Aug 27, 2009 02:07

Summer Check List:

-Go to my friends for a few days. [V]

-Go to the beach for a camping with friends. [X] Missed it because of London. =\

-Complete my "need to watch" list:

Rock 30- season 3  [V]
Dexter - season 3 (6-12) [X] I saw what I needed when I saw the (leaked) season premire, when there was this "last season of Dexter..."
Desperate Housewives - season 5 [V] a looooooong time ago.
Moonlight - season 1 [X]
Ashes to Ashes - ? [X]
Pushing Daisies - season 2 [X] So sad that it ended :(
Psych - season 3 [V] is watchig on tv :D started last month :D
The Big Bang - seasons 1 - 2 [v/x] not constantly
Veronica Mars - seasons 1-3 [X] someone from my class is downloading so we'll watch it at the boarding school :D finally.

-Download The OC Mix 1, 4-6.  [X] Ah well...

-London (?) [V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] It was legen.... wait for it.... wait for it...................  DARY! pictures on facebook, of course.

-Fall deeply in love with MGMT 'cause they're coming to preform here [v/x] I fell deeply in love, no way I'm gonna get to there - same day that school start. :(

-Playing the guitar [V] OF COURSE I DID!!! I know the POTC theme :D and the start of Rebel Rebel and Ziggy Stardust :)
-Name it. [X] Didn't :O Still need to thin about it. It's a him, so maybe it'll be Marty, which is my favorite name for every thingy :P

-Write a movie / tv show script. yeah.. that will keep me busy. :) [ish] thought about it, even characters names and a few plotlines ;)

-Practice math... [V] does one ex. counts? (A)

-Write a Dream notebook. [ish] I did started it. I'm gonna write when i'll have more dreams, probably at the boarding school :P


I guess I did pretty much what I've planned for this vacation.

Most of the time I was between the computer and the tv, staying awake all night... I also was in London which is like a dream come true. I guess that only the thigns that I want by heart, I have a strong will and I make them happen :) And I'm very glad that it is like this. 
I also went to a camping with my family and cousins, which was fun more than I expected :D we went to the most awesome beach in the world! it had clear water and weather was great, and the waves were'nt that bad:D but the most incredible thing was - we were there alone! no any 300000 people on the same beach. I loved it :D
What else?....
Oh. Yeah. School starts in 5 days :D or even 4. yeah I know that I'm messed up. I miss school. Well.... I miss the whole boarding school thing, but it includes school sometimes. All of my craazy dreams this vacation was about the borading school, exept one. It's a bit sad....

And one more thing.
I don't get why we use a capital letter for "I" (as me..), and animal is an "it". I know why "it" but "I" as capital letter is like,"I am a human being and I am more important than any other live thing in this world". With a bit of delay, i (AH!) am proud to say that humanity is over rated. Or.... i watch too much House. i think i do. and proud of it too :P (looking at it 5 minutes after i wrote it, it seems pretty stupid but anyways......)

Aaaand if i mentioned House. A few weeks ago i downloaded a cd of Eels, "Daisies of the Galaxy", which I LOVEEE now. anyways. It has the song "Flyswatter" and I really think it fits to the episode "The Itch" (House/Cuddy, of course.)

Little field mice
Living under the house
Never eating much
Tough life for a mouse
And if you think you're
Gonna be spared
You're wrong

Field mice, head lice
Spiders in the kitchen
Don't think twice 'bout
Whatever keeps you itchin'
Ice water, flyswatter
Gonna get you through
The day

Heat is rolling in like
Hell's red rug
Stinking like the
Breath of Beelzebub
And if you think you won't
Walk on coals
You will

Field mice, head lice
Spiders in the kitchen
Don't think twice 'bout
Whatever keeps you itchin'
Ice water, flyswatter
Gonna get you through
The day
The day

Field mice, head lice
Spiders in the kitchen
Don't think twice 'bout
Whatever keeps you itchin'
Ice water, flyswatter
Gonna get you through
The day

That's real good
Oh yeah

I guess it's just me.
goodnight :)
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