★ 20

Apr 19, 2011 20:01

[Phone; Filtered from England]

Hey, guys!

So...I just found out a big secret! And it's this: England has a birthday! It must be like his millionth birthday. Oh, and also, it's on Saturday!

Anyway, I guess I'm throwing a surprise party or something. I'm not sure he actually likes parties, but maybe he does, and it won't kill him if he doesn't. Also, I don't really know who his friends are, but if you're somebody who likes him, you should come and bring presents and stuff. If you don't like him, don't come, because it'll probably basically be the worst party ever.

But just tell me who's coming so I know how much cake to bring and also if he'll get drunk and cry.

...Oh, also, people who live in England's house, I'm gonna need the house on Saturday for the party.


[A little later in the day, America can be found out in town in various stores-- the hardware store, the general store, the clothing stores, and even the flower stores and the bakery. He'll be staring very, very hard at various random items in the store.]
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