★ 21

May 19, 2011 09:58

[It took a while for America to notice Russia had been droned; they weren't exactly on terms to visit every day. He first figured it out when he ran into drone Mr. Braginski at the supermarket. Even so, he wasn't sure what to think about it. After a little while, making sure this wasn't some temporary thing, he came to the conclusion that there was only one proper response.]


[Later, you may see America riding around town in his tank! Sitting in the tank with him, waving an American flag and wearing a tophat and false beard, is Russia's drone.]

Hey, everyone! Come say hello to Uncle Sam! I think he's signing autographs!

Yes, this is Uncle Sam! Everyone, please remember to fill out your censuses to help Mayfield fight communism!

That's right! Communism is the worst, isn't it?

It sure is! God bless the USA!

((OOC: AO gave me permission to fuck around with her former character! Red is Russia, blue is America. I will be slow with replies.))
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