SPN 15-10 The Heroes' Journey Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll

Jan 24, 2020 15:13

What did you think of this ep?
Poll SPN 15-10

I LOVED it. It was HILARIOUS! First of all, I love the music - jazz/blues - used for the interlude in the beginning XD  The classical music in the monster fight interlude was interesting as well.  And facepalm for Sam spilling and burning everything XD and sneezing and being killed by that Cyanne pepper remedy LOL  AND DEAN IN THE DENTIST'S CHAIR!!!  Which totally reminded me of the fic I wrote.  Also love that the writers didn't forget that little tidbit about Garth and the toothfairy.  Let's go back so I don't miss anything.

DEAN: Was that a trip?

Sam sneezes...

DEAN: This is more than just a no-good-very-bad-day! OK?
(Reference to Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day which I loved reading to my sons XD)

GARTH: You smell so good.
DEAN: And we're done
Loved Garth's twins - Sam and Cas XD

Sam and the remedy...

GIRL: Mommy, the giant's crying!

DEAN TAPDANCING!!!!!! WITH GARTH TOO LOLS!!!!   I think that might have been my favorite part of the whole ep.


GARTH: Hey slugger.  You're all done.  You did good.

GARTH: Who did you guys piss off?
SAM: God?

BESS: It's from ... We love fifty Shades.
GARTH: Yeah, we do.
SAM: Who's the hero in that?
GARTH: The hero thing, it's not fun.  Well, I mean there are some good things about it, like when's the last  time Batman got a flat tire, or Superman couldn't pay his water bill?
BESS: Or the power goes out in the Red Room?
These references to Fifty Shades were hilarious for me because I just finished watching all three of those a couple of days ago.

Talking with Bess's brother...

WEREWOLF: The furrowed brow and the puppy eyes?  Do you see that?  That never actually works for you, does it?

DEAN: Well, I guess we need a grenade launcher.
Dean being "lactose intollerant"  and Sam stumbling over everything and both of them unable to pick a lock XD
And Dean to the shapeshifter -
DEAN: So you chose that face.

Dean's family theme as he rallys Sam XD  Garth getting thrown and unconscious as usual, but then "Garthing" the guy in the end XD

Sam and Dean with the babies<3

DEAN: This Cas is looking at me weird.
SAM: So, kind of like the real Cas. XD

DEAN: That's being a hero.
GARTH: I guess I learn from the best.

DEAN: The way things are going, we might kill eachother by mistake.

DEAN: Sonofabitch!

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, season 15, spn episodes

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