SPN 15-9 The Trap Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll

Jan 17, 2020 21:55

What did you think of this episode?

Poll SPN 15-9 The Trap
There were many little things I liked about this episode and one main scene.

Cas talking to Dean about how Purgatory made you feel guilt was really interesting and cool.  That totally makes so much sense.

I LOVED Dean's prayer.  Finally.  I totally cried because I was so happy to see it.  I loved the little bit about being angry and not being able to control it too.  Being able to admit that is a real big step aye? I immediately thought of Chuck though.  What is really Dean and what is Chuck's manipulation?  Cas being found so easily was kind of a letdown.  I wish there could have been some sort of rescue or indication that Cas actually had fought his way out of the situation.  It seemed like Cas was lying.

I loved Deans little quip about Benny probably being the King of Purgatory by now.  <3
I WILL not believe Benny is dead.  Even if he is, Death has to bring him back.  I've decreed it. LOL

Chuck making Eileen dig into Sam's shoulder was gross and not as touching as it could have been for me.

Chuck talking about how he knew more than Sam about the universe and the natural order was really good.  That is a really important point that the boys are forgetting.

Some pretty and or other interesting scenes:

Pretty Sam

Cas being the logical one and stopping Dean from going to save Sam without any preparation

Chuck stalling -

SAM You're stalling.

CHUCK: This is hurting her just as much as its hurting you... or not.

Chuck realizes that Sam's hope is making the wound fester.  By taking away Sam's hope Chuck heals both Sam and himself.

This leviathan was cute :D

Dean's face as he prays to Cas.

DEAN: You're my best friend and I didnt stop you.

Dean finds Cas and Cas has the Leviathan blossom.

DEAN I've got to say something.
CAS You don't have to say anything.  I heard your prayer.

I really think they should have at least hugged here.  Come on.

Chuck looking up at Dean :D

SAM: This is real.
Awww... it was sad to see Eileen leave.  Sorry for Sam :'(

Dean is good with the fact that Sam believed Chuck and decided not to trap him.

So we're getting Jack back finally :D

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, season 15, spn episodes

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