Audrey seems to know exactly when I'm feeling down and need a hug. Those have been tying me over during the tough times these last couple of days. It's been crazy busy. I have a new class on Fri, which makes it a bit more challenging to get the review for Show done before dinner. There have been a few more people quitting this month, we are having trouble with all the teachers - one of them is spreading negative feelings. It is all making me extremely anxious and unhappy and damn tired. But let's get to the happy shall we?
First of all, the hours that I teach are always happy. Being with the kids, time goes by really fast and I really enjoy it.
Sat night we had a wine dinner as usual but Hubby is not feeling very well and Alex has been put under quarantine - well as much as we can in this cramped apartment - and I was so damn tired and didn't care what we ate. But the kids all told me they loved everything I cooked and that was really nice.
Yesterday I went to choir practice in the morning and enjoyed practicing with the others. That is one of my happies for today. Only 4 more practices until the competition. Pretty scary XD
I was really tired after but I went out for a walk with Hana in the evening and she got to play with three friends. It was good. Her happy made me happy too.
I just have to take the next week one minute, one hour, one day at a time, right?
PS Another happy. I went looking for this gif and got a really nice fic idea from my BAI post. It will help me get my mind off things.