SPN 14-12 Prophet and Loss Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll!

Feb 01, 2019 21:32

What did you think? Tell me!

Poll SPN 14-12 Prophet and Loss

OMG TEARS!!! I was crying all ep.  So many brother moments…. GAHHHHH
I would rate it at Great, not Awesome only because there were one too many gross scenes for my taste. They could have done without actually showing one of those two. Nick scenes were fine because they were interspersed between S&D scenes and I wanted to make sure not to miss any parallels and relevance to the plot. We know Nick wants Lucifer back. And maybe somehow Lucifer will be brought back from the empty and help them cage up Michael… or as somebody said, maybe Nick can be used as a vessel for Michael… I saw parallels between Nick and Dean this ep - in how they were both “trapped.” Nick was being held prisoner and told that he had no future, and Dean was imagining himself trapped in his box - also without a future. Of course there were several other parallels - with Donatello of course, and the twin brother.

Anyway, I have to go back to the beginning because, AMAZING scene of Dean trapped in the box and knowing it and still panicking and calling for Sam. First panic, then Oh yeah, I have to stay here to keep Michael trapped then panic! Again. And SAMMY!!!

And then he wakes up and there are bloody scratch marks by his BED! OMG. Break my HEART. Sam coming in, and ... just EVERYTHING about those two scenes.

DEAN: Never said I wasn’t scared. It doesn’t matter.
SAM: Michael’s and archangel. He could literally keep you buried in a coffin alive, forever.
Yeah, Sam, you know all about that too. :’(

That back...

SAM: There has to be another way.
DEAN: What is that other way?
DEAN: Exactly.
So I just realized that this future is probably not actually "destiny" like in the past - where it was really hard to change it. The only reason is that they can’t find any other way right now. If they can come up with something, the notebooks will change.

COP: You’re going to be locked up for the rest of your life. You’re done. You’re buried.
Buried being the key word here. So… if Nick gets away, Dean can get away too? Prophetic?

GAH... The talk in the car about when they were kids that Dean brings up right after a Michael attack:

SAM: Dean, you were the one who was always there for me. The only one. I meann you practically raised me.
DEAN: I know things got dicey… I didn’t always look out for you the way I should have. I mean I had my own stuff and in order to keep the peace probably looked like I took his side quite a bit.
I didn’t like that bit about dad sending him away or that Dean pissed him off even, because what with him “trying to keep the peace,” that sounds weird. Dean running off to try to get a handle on things makes a lot more sense. So that's not part of my personal canon *ehem* XD

Sam's hair is different. It's cute :D<3 Very boyish.

DEAN: One last case for the Winchester boys.
SAM: You had to go there… *exasperation*

EDDIE: Can’t believe he’s gone. We were close. Best friends. Alan always said he was my big brother because he was born first by like four minutes…Losing him is like losing a part of myself. I never knew it could be this bad.
I like Sam explaining the “grafiti” to the guy.

Listening to Cas was tedious LOL

SAM: Dean, it’s Cas. I had to tell him.

SAM: Whatever you heard, it wasn’t God.
Loved that line by Sam. Made me think it was someone else like Lucifer even, but it was only Donatello's ramblings (or... not? later). The guy killing himself was a bit weird but I guess he realized that he had been killing innocent people? So he wasn’t really psycho, just misguided.

SAM: How do we end this?
DEAN: You know how.
I thought Dean meant that once Dean was in the coffin, everything would go back to normal LOL but he meant they had to kill Donatello.

And we have the scene between Nick and Sarah his wife in which Nick chooses Lucifer and now he’s going to go find somewhere dark. Now this was a weird scene because I couldn’t feel that this was REALLY Sarah's ghost. I kept thinking she was something else. Maybe she just didn't seem ghost-like: I was expecting her to all of a sudden change into Lucifer or a demon or something.
SARAH: Where are you going?
NICK: Wherever it’s darkest. Wherever he is.

DOCTOR: Sometimes letting go is the right choice
DEAN: Tell me about it.

CAS: Mr. Winchester and the other Mr. Winchester.
SAM: Doctor.
DEAN: Doctor.
And yet again a tedious talk by Cas trying badly to change Dean's mind. I don’t want to listen to it.

CAS: I can fix him.
DEAN: I thought he was too far gone.
CAS:Dean if there’s a spark, a hope, then I have to try. You taught me that.

CAS: Get out!

DEAN: You heard him.
DOCTOR: You said you wanted to discontinue treatment.
DEAN: And now we’ve changed our minds. Look, if there’s a chance Donatello can fight through this, we’re gonna take it. He ain’t leaving the party if the music’s still play’n. Clear?

SAM: If cas isn’t right about Donatello, where does that leave him? Trapped in his own body somewhere between life and death? It’s just tough to think about someone going through that.
DEAN: Then don’t. Thinking is highly overrated.
SAM: Easy for you to say.
DEAN: Actually, no, it’s not.
DEAN: Nothing’s changed Sam.

DEAN: Turn off the machines.
SAM: What if he dies.
DEAN: There’s only one way to find out.

DAMN the CW mark. Ruins pretty faces.

DEAN: Hey Champ! Welcome back!

DEAN: Now look at that! It’s a miracle!

I LOVED Dean’s  expressions (and this Cas expression) looking at Donatello :D But I just got another thought. what if those words by Donatello and the other guy were actual prophesies??!!! Killing the first born. Drowning Egyptions in the red sea - in the ocean. What was the other one? And there went out fire from the Lord and devoured them.

You think there could be a hint on how to save Dean?

DEAN: Where’s the party?
SAM: Right here. We’re celebrating right? But not too much. Tomorrow morning we’re back on track. No rest for the selfdestructive.
DEAN: Kind of nice. Going out on a high.
SAM: Going out being the operative phrase.
DEAN: Sam, I'm sorry.
SAM: Sorry? How sorry are you? … I’ve followed you to Hell and back. After all that, it means nothing now.

GAH… I can’t even write this down right now.

SAM: We’re the guys who safe the world. We don’t just check out of it. (BAM)
DEAN: Sam, I have tried everything. Everything. I’ve got one card left to play and I have to play it.
SAM: You have one card today! But we’ll find another tomorrow. But if you quit on us today, there will be no tomorrow. You tell me, you don’t know what else to do. I don’t either, Dean not yet, but what you’re doing now, it’s wrong. It’s quitting. I mean, look what just happened. Donatellow never quit fighting. So we could help him because he never gave up.
SAM: I believe in us, Dean. I believe in us.(Punch&HUGS) Why don’t you believe in us too?

(OMG Sam is ADORABLE here.His round face, red nose, cute hair and last but not least the hand CLUTCHING dean...How could Dean ever say no?!)

DEAN: OK Sam. Let’s go home. Maybe Billie’s wrong. Maybe. But I do believe in us.

DEAN: I believe in all of us. And I’ll keep believing until I can’t - until there is absolutely no other way. But when that day comes, if that day comes, Sam you have to take it for what it is. The End.

DEAN: And you have to promise me, that you’ll do then what you can’t do now, and that’s to let me go and put me in that box. You too.
SAM: Yah, alright. Alright.
DEAN: Now you heard me. Let’s go home. Don’t hit me again, ok?

AWWWWwwwwww<3<3 :’’’’’’’’’)
Seeing Sam hit Dean and then hug him close because he is so hurt and frustrated and doesn’t want to lose Dean is just … *HEARTS* Also reminds me of Cas beating Dean up in Season 5. Similar feelings, aye?
Amazing scenes.

The boys have been through this so many times. In Season 3 when Dean goes to hell for Sam, Dean refused Sam's help at first, but then afterwards they did all they could to save him. Then in Season 5 when Sam goes to the cage to save the world - which is very similar in that Sam was stuck with Lucifer for forever. But after that talk at Bobby's Dean supported the decision. Season 8 when Sam does the trials but Dean doesn't let him die for the cause and 9 when Sam decides he should die, Dean saves him using questionable methods. Then Dean of course with the Mark and Sam using questionable methods to save Dean - again very similar situation to now. Death suggested Dean be taken to outer space where he couldn't come back forever. Dean decides to do this on his own but ends up giving into Sam and killing Death, then there was also Season 11 where Sam and Cas let Dean go to Chuck and Amara on his own with a bomb inside him. right? That time they were more willing to let him go. Maybe because there was a chance he'd come out of it? I see what Sam is saying here - that Dean should wait until the last possible moment before going through with this. Maybe in that way it is different from the rest.

Cas has his own Save the Winchesters history. He refused to take all of Gadreel's grace from Sam because he didn't want Sam to die. Then he also went along with Sam to save Dean in Season 10. In season 12 he killed Billie to save Sam and Dean but in 13 he couldn't stop Dean from saying yes to Michael. He just recently gave his "soul" to the Empty. He has the idea, as does Billie, that the world needs the Winchesters. Yeah. Billie said that too. Which makes me more certain that there is a plan behind the plan.

Knowing just a little bit about what is going to happen in ep 300, I can't wait to see how it all ties into this. And I'm so excited to see how they are going to get out of it! If the first born has to die, and the egyptians have to drown in the ocean, and then there's fire... maybe Dean has to die and then come back. Same parallels with Donatello too, aye? He was between life and death, and then he came back. Maybe Billie will let him come back. What would happen to Michael if Dean died I wonder.

Anyway, enough musings. WHAT DID YOU THINK?

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, spn episodes, season 14

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