Well, it's official sports fans.
American Gods is about to be made into a TV series! Playtone (Tom Hanks's production company) is producing it and Neil Gaiman and Robert Richardson are writing the pilot. Richardson is better known as a cinematographer and his body of work is impressive, to put it mildly. Though just because you're a good cinematographer doesn't mean you know how to write a script but thankfully the other half of that partnership does. I'm curious to see who they end up casting for the major roles and who will be directing the pilot.
I'm going to be positive about this whole thing because Tom Hanks is a smart man and I think he's made interesting choices in his career as a producer. He has experience producing television shows and he's a big enough name that the show will get attention. Though not all of his movies have made it big (City of Ember anyone?) he has quite a few and at least he's the kind of guy that's willing to take risks.
It's always exciting to see your favorite books adapted into film. But there's a risk too of them not getting it quite the way you like. Still, since Neil Gaiman seems to be having quite the say on the matter, anything good enough for him is good enough for me.