Hello there all. How about some art from me to you? First off, an update on
the 100 Themes Project. The bolded ones are the items recently completed. Not all completed works are featured in this entry because some of them are just rough sketches.
2. Love
5. Seeking Solace
12. Insanity
14. Smile
15. Silence
22. Mother Nature
28. Sorrow
29. Happiness
34. Stars (it was terrible and I kind of want to redo it....absolutely uninspired grade school drivel)
35. Hold My Hand
37. Eyes
38. Abandoned
41. Team Work
46. Family
52. Deep in Thought
53. Keeping a Secret
56. Danger Ahead
63. Do Not Disturb
76. Broken Pieces
80. Words
85. Spiral
88. Pain
90. Triangle
100. Relaxation
Works in Progress
1. Introduction
3. Light
62. Magic
78. Drink
79. Starvation
12. Insanity: Uh.... I'm not really sure if there's anything to say here because aside from the weird faces everything else just showed up on its own. I guess this is what I think of when I think of insanity but I can't explain why. I wanted her to look more see through for her torso but then gave up...
15. Silence: This one I drew and then assigned a theme to.
63. Do Not Disturb: I quite like this one. I got to do some finger painting and I satisfied a strange desire I've been having to kill someone. Not really kill them. Just kill them in fake world. I tried to make the lady up front look as demented as possible. The hand on the wall doesn't doesn't actually match either bloody hands in the drawing but w/e. Maybe its a ghost. O_o
85. Spiral: Another one that was drawn first and then assigned. It's kind of like cheating but I don't care.
88. Pain: This one only makes sense to me because it's based off of a long suffering project of mine. I conceived of the story a long time ago, probably middle school, but it's been lingering in development hell for years and years and years. I had a renewed vigor for it a few months back and changed around character ages and motivations only to have the fervor die off some time after the drawing of this piece. Oh well. The marks on his body are the result of ritual sarification. It was inspired by images I saw of ritual scarification in parts of Africa and Papua New Guinea.
90. Triangle: I was thinking about triangles in nature and thought of this. I debated whether to give the water and clouds dimension and couldn't decide either way so just left it. If you have any feelings on the matter please let me know. I was going to at least shade the bottom to make it look more rock like but clearly you see that I did not do that.
Character Sketches: 1) Brother and sister. An attempt at continuity in features between boys and girls. 2) Normal people? 3) These three are supposed to be brothers. I tried to make them slightly different but clearly related. I had fun drawing the muscles but his head is disproportionate to his body. 4) A recurring character of mine named Morrigan. I wanted her body to look robust but muscular. I think she still looks too thin. 5) Attempt at different races. The top two are Native American while the bottom two are Asian. 6) The same kid from theme #88 but if you can't tell I understand.