I've been looking to replace my Strobframe Quickflip. I'm looking into getting a camera rotation bracket so that the flash head stays horizontal in portrait orientation and the shutter button is on the top of the camera. I tried the Stroboframe Cameraflip and I really didn't like it. The Nikon SB-800 with 4 batteries is fairly heavy and the bracket wouldn't stay rigid. I followed the instructions for fine tuning it. I tightened up the locknuts until the bracket stayed rigid without me having to support it. The locknuts were so tight that I had a hard time rotating the bracket between portrait and landscape orientations. The Nikon D-70 is still a plastic camera body and I felt like I was about to crack the camera with all of the force that I was using to rotate the bracket. It was quite a workout. I messed around with it for an hour before giving up on it.
I'm going to look at
Custom Brackets. The mechanism on those brackets look like they operate a lot smoother. It will probably end up costing more that $200, but if it does what I need it to do, it will be worth it.