Incomplete // open to anyone

Mar 10, 2009 03:50

Characters: Kiba, Akamaru
Summary: Kiba proves that he can be simultaneously an obnoxious jerk and a nice guy, and possibly makes his first friend.
Time: After arrival
Location: Courtyard, outside Main Building
Warnings: language (Kiba tends to have a dirty mouth)

Kiba, rather tall for his age, stood out like a sore thumb in the middle of the courtyard with his single bag of luggage and the puppy atop his head. He wore what he felt was a bored, disinterested expression, but what most around him thought was a slightly frightening "get the fuck away from me" grimace. He didn't know where to go, or who to ask to find out where to go, and didn't really care enough to figure it out. So, he settled for standing in the middle of the courtyard and looking around.

Having grown up in El, he was more of a small town kid. He had seen flying trains, but had never been on it, and this strange school's campus seemed to be larger than his entire hometown. He felt extraordinarily out of place, but then again, there hadn't been many kids with powers back home, and he'd felt more restless in Seles even before he'd discovered he could turn into a dog.

Akamaru let out a yip, which Kiba heard as a, "How long are we planning on standing around? I'm bored," which he studiously ignored. As close as he was with his canine companion, he really did find him obnoxious from time to time. Most people thought the little puppy was adorable, but if they could hear what he was actually saying, they'd enjoy his company much less, and probably think he was a bit of a bratty know-it-all.

Still standing in the courtyard, rather in the way for the passersby, Kiba debated trying to figure out where he was supposed to go and waiting for someone to bump into him and tell him. He eventually decided sitting down on one of the benches would be fine and lazily dragged his feet over to the nearest one before collapsing onto it and tossing his bag between his feet. Akamaru agilely moved from his head to his lap, and Kiba smiled slightly as he began scratching between his friend's ears.

(( ooc: really hope I did this right. o_o; also, this is open to anyone but someone from the naruto-verse would be especially lovely. <3 ))

haruno sakura, inuzuka kiba

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