Cal Bar Craziness

Jul 21, 2010 17:10

The Bar is 6 days away!

I am a frantic mess. I hate life, everyone around me and am constantly suffering from these intense feelings of inadequacy, despite all the hours of labor I've invested in this endeavor.

At this point, I don't even care about the results. I just want to be done. I just want this whole mindfuck of a situation to be done.

I'm seeing someone new. His name is irrelevant, because judging by my tendency to go through guys as fast as I go through clothes, it won't last. I like to think it will, but I've learned to not jump the gun when it comes to relationships and me.

The good news about guy: he and I get along so well. It's amazing and kinda crazy in a way. I mean, I pretty much get along well with just about anybody, but he and I have a great connection. Amazing sex. Hands down the best I've ever had.

Bad news: He's still married. He and his "ex" split up almost 2 years ago...she's now living with a woman who she is in a relationship with. Now, did I get upset about this weird situation? Did I freak out? Oh no. Here is the first thing that went through my mind upon hearing that his marriage hadn't legally ended...

"California is a community property state. All property acquired during marriage is presumptively community property (CP). All property acquired before marriage or after permanent separation is presumed to be separate property (SP). Additionally, any property acquired by gift, devise or bequest is presumed to be SP."

Then I asked him if he got married in CA. He said no...I thought to myself...

"Quasi Community Property is property acquired by either spouse during marriage that would have been community property had the property been acquired in California. All Quasi-Community Property is treated as if it were CP."

So. I basically consider my new man friend to be a great asset in my studying for the California Bar. I asked him when they separated. He said two years ago. I thought...

"When does economic community end? Oh yes... Economic community ends with permanent physical separation AND intent not to resume the marital relationship." By the way, intent is only required by ONE party.

Then I thought about the weird arrangement he has with his ex. They had a dog together. A lovable boxer named, Marley. They share him, and she watches him whenever he goes out of town for work or whatever. I thought to myself...

"Hmm, some courts would find that this type of relationships carries on the facade of marriage, and as a result, economic community would still be in effect. Therefore, according to CA law, any community labor (i.e. work) and wages that result from such labor would be entitled to a community split (i.e. 50/50). This is a problem. I should let him know."

Now, do you think he really cares? Probably not. Yet it's amazing how this situation I should be kind of upset about is more fascinating to me as a real-life application of community property presumptions and principles.

I'm sure after the Bar is over, I'll care more. But it's hard to begin a relationship when I'm not my normal self. I've become mechanical in my behavior. Everything I see outside of my study room/space/house/whatever is a potential tort/contract/ get the idea.

I was looking at my travel coffee mug this morning. The lid has this little flappy thing on it that flicks drops of coffee on you whenever you try to close it. I thought to myself, could this be a defect in design, perhaps? I wonder in a strict liability action brought against the manufacturer if I could win a suit based on defect of design? Hmmm.....

This whole situation sucks. My life could be worse, but being balls deep in this process feels like the worst thing that's ever happened to me. That's all for now.
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