Sarbanes Oxley

Oct 28, 2009 10:22

I'm sitting in my business associations class talking about the Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002, and it made me want to write a LJ post. I think this is because I've been reading Ronnie's so often, but I never write my own.

I was better at journaling in college. Right now, I'm just thinking about graduating from law school. I can't believe I'll be done after this year. I still feel like a young thing straight out of college. How did this happen to me?

Let's see, what's new in my life? Well, I made Law Review. This is a big deal in the legal community. When I tell other law students that I'm in the middle of writing my note for LR, their eyes get all big like I'm big dog on campus or something. When I tell people in the non-legal community, they just stare and go, "oh, that's cool." They have no idea what I'm talking about. Basically, it means I'm in the top 25% of my class, and I have to write something of "publishable quality." Whatever the hell that means. Haha. Anyway, I'm submitting my final draft on Nov. 30th. I can't wait to be done.

I was kind of upset last night about my midterm grades. I definitely bombed the Remedies one. I only got right in the middle for BA. This makes me upset. I feel like if I hadn't been working so hard on my LR paper, I would've had more time to study for my exams. It's really difficult to balance both, because the LR rules are so strict, and if you get kicked off...let's just say uber embarrassment.

As far as my personal life goes, Jasper and I are no longer together. We broke up this summer while I was working in South Texas for his sister. I still talk to his family, and we sometimes still talk. His life is kind of going nowhere, though. I feel badly for him, but at the same time, he needs to grow up and take a job. Any job. Especially in this economy, you can't afford to be picky. He always kind of had an "I'm better than you" mentality. I always thought he was just confident, but he's really very spoiled, selfish and kind of uppity. I think as his friend, it's my duty to point out these particular character flaws, especially online where everyone can see. ;P

I'm kind of dating someone new now. Kind of reluctantly dating someone. My tendencies in picking a man aren't very good. As you can see from all my previous LJ posts, my track record with dudes is pretty bad. I was super in love with David, but he's now officially schizophrenic. Officially. After David, I promised myself I'd date someone stable with a job and an education. I got 2 out of 3 with Jasper. But he didn't have a job, which brought his self-esteem down, which ultimately ended our relationship. For some reason, I'm attracted to guys that look really good on paper.

Take this new guy I'm seeing. He's got 3 degrees from Stanford, a great job, sick apartment downtown SD, and seems to be really interested in me. Plus, he's pretty cute. BUT, I can't seem to bring myself to be super interested back. I tend to go for guys that have no interest in me. Why do I like the chase so much?! Dammit! It's so difficult. I always wind up liking the super hot douchebags.

New guy has some pretty great qualities, which I'll get to in a minute, but he's also Jasper 4.0. In fact, I'm just going to start calling him 4.0. He's updated, older and has better qualifications. But as far as the basics go, they're pretty similar. MBA? Check. Infiniti G35? Check (except 4.0 drives a coupe and J drove a sedan). Good family? Check. Blue eyes? Check. Similar style? Check. Both have "JAS" names? Check. It's funny though, because I always used to say to people, "Jasper would be the perfect match for me if there wasn't something missing." I always felt like there was a spark missing with J. 4.0 and I have a lot more chemistry, but he's super affectionate. Almost to the point of smothering me within the first 3 dates. I'm sure he's just really interested because it's new, and all that will calm down. We'll see. I know I should be ecstatic that such a great guy is into me, but I have a hard time believing it. I keep thinking there has to be something wrong with him.

Also, there's the whole issue of me graduating this year. His life seems pretty set...down here in SD, and I don't really have any interest in staying here. I said I didn't want another relationship AT LEAST until I graduate, get a job and get settled in my life a little. I'm tired of always dating guys at transitional periods of my life. Jasper and I met during my last year of college. 4.0 and I meet my last year of law school? Not good...anyway, my friends keep telling me just to "enjoy" him, but I have a hard time doing that. I have this insane need to compartmentalize things in my head. Oh well, at least we're carving pumpkins tonight. I always like doing that. :)

Well, that's about it from here...
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