Robin's Eggs

Jul 12, 2009 11:25

About 3 week ago, we noticed that a robin had built a nest in our fuchia hanging basket right outside our front door. Despite flying away in a panic everytime we opened the front door or went near the hanging basket, she managed to lay 4 eggs. Yesterday we noticed that there were only three and we thought that perhaps an animal had eaten one. However, now we think that she disposed of it  because it was probably dead. Anyway, this morning when I looked in the nest, I noticed that there was a hole in one of the  eggs - it was hatching! Over the next few hours, a baby bird appeared! It is really neat! Here are some pictures of the eggs. We don't want to disturb her too much now that the eggs are hatchiing but I will try and get a few pics of the baby birds later on.

The three remaining eggs - you can see that the one on the bottom right has a crack in it.

The first baby robin. I had to take the flash off the camera so it wouldn't stun it so it's a little blurry.
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