Sailing with Chris and Rachel - Day Four

Jul 07, 2009 10:44

It was quite a loud night and I was woken up at 7 by people talking on the dock by our boat. I luckily got back to sleep for another hour and we all got up at 8ish. We had just enough milk for breakfast and since we were all ready to go home, we left by about 9:30. It was a dreary, overcast day but it was still neat to go through Sansum Narrows, a very narrow passage between Saltspring and Vancouver Island. We had to tack for awhile cause the wind was beautifully strong but when it started to pour, Daryl, Rachel and I went inside and poor Chris was left to get soaking wet and guide us home. We finally got back to the Marina at around 2:30ish and basically grabbed all our stuff and went home. It was too wet to do a good cleaning of the boat so we figured that we'd come back tomorrow when the weather was better (hopefully). Daryl and I came back to the marina to have lovely hot showers there as Granny's septic system is very old and the downstairs bathroom needs redoing so you can't have showers there. Rachel didn't want to have to wait at the marina so she decided to have a bath at Granny's. It was so nice to be able to be in a warm and dry home and I made copious amounts of scrambled eggs and bacon for dinner. We all watched a movie and then headed to bed early. It was a wonderful trip and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely!

Chris and Rachel looking not very well. As you can tell from the sky, it was not a nice day!

Daryl and me being goofballs! :)
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