Sailing with Chris and Rachel - Day Three

Jul 06, 2009 10:01

This morning, after breakfast, Chris and Rachel headed ashore to do the walk all the way up to the end of the island, Chivers Point. After cleaning up and making sure everything was stowed away perfectly for sailing, Daryl and I headed out as well.  On our way past the inlet, we saw a family of raccoons on the mudflats, messing around in the water! This has totally been the trip for wildlife! We totally thought it was going to be a 10 or maybe 15 minute hike but it turned out to be a really long way and take us 45 minutes!! We found Chris and Rachel at Chivers Point and took some cool pictures. The weather was turning junky and there was lots of wind which made Chris happy. After hanging out there for awhile, we all headed back to the boat. When we got to the old pump, Rachel told Chris he couldn't drink it cause there was a sign that said the water had to be boiled for 10 minutes before consuming. So, I drank so anyway. It tasted a bit like copper or iron from the pump itself but otherwise it was fine. Hahaha! I figured if I was going to get sick, at least I could puke in the ocean! :) We had a quick lunch and after cleaning that up, we all bundled up for the wind and rain and headed out. It was about a 5 or 6 hour trip to home from there so we decided to cut it into two smaller trips. Since it was so windy, Chris wanted to sail around a bit as well. We headed off towards Maple Bay on Vancouver Island cause they have a pub there and we figured we'd need some beer after our sail! It was SO windy out there and rough and at times we were on a 40 degree heel! Fun but a little scary. At one point, the coast guard was watching us to make sure we were ok. We were fine cause Chris is an expert sailer. I think he quite enjoyed himself but the rest of us were quite glad to get to Maple Bay and tie up to the dock. I was finishing up the book Rachel had lent me so I was quite antisocial. The three of them proceeded to drink the rest of the liquor that we had on the boat cause we didn't want to “take it home”! When we got hungry, we walked up the road to the pub and had really good burgers there. We were a little surprised when they had no fries on their menu but when we got our salads with our burgers, we really enjoyed them! It was a really nice place and full of locals. We headed back to the boat and Chris and Rachel went for a walk while Daryl passed out and I finished my book. There were some crazy drunk people on the dock at like 11 who really shouldn't have been boating but....what do you do?

Family of raccoons on the mudflats.

Me at the beginning of our hike to Chivers Point.

Me at the end of our hike!

Daryl at Chivers Point.

Yay! Arbutus trees!

Our crazy sail.

Rachel and Chris at the pub in Maple Bay
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