Title: Strawberry Pairings: Sam(OC)/Jenny, references to Nick/Jenny, unrequited Stephen/Nick Rating: R
Prompt: Sam/Jenny; Remembrance of Things Past from lsellersfic (thanks for the prompt, this piece actually made it into my Dysfunctional series *grins*)
Sam shifts closer to the sleeping form that smells like the jam Mum used to
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Title: The End of the Line II Characters: Sam/Stephen, Ryan Rating: NC-17
The end of the line II
“He-oly fucking shit…”
Stephen groans into the phone instead of a neutral ‘hello’. There is instantly an amused chuckle on the other end of the line that matches the one his current companion makes with an evil glint in dark, lust-filled eyes. Both
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Title: Girl with a Gun Characters: Sam (my OC), Nick, Stephen Rating: Gen
Summary: Title pretty much says it all. lol Part of the Dysfunctional universe.
Girl with a Gun
“What?” Sam laughs at Cutter’s death glare. “I only shot it in the goddamn leg.” “We don’t shoot these creatures unless there’s an emergency.” He’s fuming.
Maybe facing extinction every day is taking its toll. Maybe it’s because of the faint air of Abby’s vanilla scent in the boy’s hair. Maybe it’s that he’s just too lazy to drive over to Ryan again. Maybe it’s Helen’s fault - because somehow everything in his life is tainted by her intrusive presence. Maybe it’s
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Moist lips are smiling around a cigarette in a smoky cloud of lust. Grey eyes are watching him hungrily over a beer bottle. His excitement is matching theirs as they’re wrapped up in the caressing heat of knowing what’s to come.
He’s not sure if Sam’s the intruder on his and Ryan’s little on-and-off twosome or if he’s invading their familiar
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The first time Stephen meets Sam West, Connor is crouching on the floor, moaning in pain while holding his bleeding nose, and Abby can’t decide if she should glare or laugh. Cutter and Ryan don’t seem to have this problem and openly show amusement, only barely masked with compassion as Cutter helps Connor up. Jenny just gapes, completely
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Stephen screams into the empty room as his fist connects with the hard wall with a dull thud. He still tries to hold everything back, clinging to the feeble hope that he might conquer this like so many times before, but he can’t stop his fist from crushing against the wall over and over again while curses pour from his lips.