just another manic monday

Apr 28, 2008 17:27

it's monday. I hate mondays. Who doesn't?
On Saturday I styed overnight with Pebls and we watched the latest moonlight episode and it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing! I LOVE it. Actually we watched it a second time when we woke up on saturday. We also started "Chuck" and I think this one'S quite cool, too. Not comparable with moonlight, of course, but it's really funny.
oh, today we got to know in which LK (=Leistungskurs, you could translate it with "Power class", everyone in school has to choose 2 power classes, mine are English and chemistry, and severals "Grusndkurse" (which would be "basic classes")) we are, which means which teachers we get. there are 4 English power classes at my school. 2 of them are given by extremly good teachers. And me? I'm in the power class which is given by one of our WORST English teachers!!! that's just NOT FAIR!!!!!!! I'm really angry right now. I searching desperatly for someone to change place with me but my chances aren't that grteat. Well, I know someone who's likely to leave school, which means one place would be free so I can go into another class.
yay, no school on thursday, because it's May 1. gotta ask Pebls if she want's to go to the lake with me or something like that.
Today I'm going to have my first theoretical driver's lesson. Yesterday and the day befor my dad gave me some private (and illegal^^) practical driver's lessons. that was fun! can't wait until I have my driver's license^^
that's enough for today

keep smiling!


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