Wow, one week passed since I wrote the last time. On Saturday it was my birthday, and my friends came and we ate some cake and then we went out to some clubs.
on monday it was the birthday of some friend and I visited him in the afternoon. He has an Hungarian exchange student at the moment.
On tuesday I went to the theatre with my mom. That was quite cool.
pebls and I had one of our supernatural evenings which was funny. but we just cant wait for the next moonlight episode so we'll meet again on Saturday^^
Today the Hungarian exchange students who are at my school this week were in our class the first two lessons. They don't say nything so that wasn't that exciting.
And today I slept the whole afternoon. I do that quite often in the last time, and I'm startin to woder why I#m that tired. I definetly need holidays^^
but it's still two weeks to the next holidays :( my family me and pebls are going to our sumerhouse at Bodensee. that'S gonna be fun.
ok guys, I'm tired so this will be enough for today^^
keep smiling