May 07, 2008 14:28
yay I finally managed to change classes so now I'm in the power class given by the good teacher.
omg I kind of have so much work to do for German. this is what she (my teacher) gave us to do:
-write 2 nature poems
-define and write down several expressions (which I won't look up right now)
-interprete 5 nature poems, two of them in essays
-learn one nature poem by heart
-compare an old and a new nature poem
I mean, is that woman crazy? we're writing a TEST this week, we don't have the time to do this in less than one week! stupid b****
yay I joined the community moonlight_music and the songs are just soooo great....I absolutely LOVE the moonlight theme *with the piano at the beginning and the violine in the middle* if you love it as well you can find it there as "Josef turning Mick etc"
well I have to do german now...bah
keep smiling