Check out what's for sale ;)

Jun 15, 2011 09:47

I am doing some cleaning out around the house and I have put several things up for sale on my ebay page. Check it out and see if anything interests you :)

I am also thinking of holding an auction for fics... basically I would write a fic of choice for the person who bids highest and wins. Just a thought...

PS on a personal note, please pray for my Dad. He's been feeling really bad lately and just trying to walk from his bedroom down to the living room puts him in substantial pain. He saw the doctor yesterday for test results from last weeks tests and he could potentially have several clots in his legs that are causing the pain, numbness and the inability to get/stay warm from the waist down. Stress doesn't help and he still doesn't know if he's got a teaching job for the coming school year. I really can't afford to lose my dad since he's the only parent I still have. Anyway, prayers would be most appreciated. Thanks.

auction, rl

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