Starting over with the whole diet thing

Jun 07, 2011 23:30

So, I took off from my diet for two weeks and gained back 11 pounds. That's 7 pounds more than what I'd lost to begin with. Starting Monday I am restarting wave 1 of my Sonoma diet and the whole family is doing it with me. I can not do this by myself. I need the support, you know? So, yeah, back I go on Monday. I'm going to be taking my daughter walking with me every morning and then the whole family will be walking every night. I just can not continue to have this much weight on my small frame. My knees and hips are constantly hurting me and I have absolutely no energy whatsoever. It sucks. And I'm tired of being embarrassed to go clothes shopping. I swear it makes me so fucking depressed I just want to cry and do nothing else.

On the upside, TF3 comes out on the 29th. I really can't wait to see it.

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