Six days into my Sonoma diet journey

May 21, 2011 20:43

So, here it is at night six and I think I have done pretty darn well for my first week on this diet. I feel like I'm losing weight which is new for me because all my other diets, I never really felt like I was losing weight and this time I do. On the upside to this diet, I have not had a soda of any kind since last Sunday. I used to drink three or so a day which would add something like 320 calories a day for me. I have spent the last six days drinking either water, decaf tea with no sugar or coffee with sweet and low but no cream. You know what? I don't even miss the soda to be honest. We went out to dinner last night. Everyone else had soda. I had iced tea. I am proud of myself. My blood sugar has been great this week as well. I have 6 more days until I can weigh myself because that will be the half way point through wave 1 of the diet. Technically, wave 1 lasts 7-10 days but I'm doubling that because of the amount of weight I am trying to lose. I've been walk more, too. I'm excited. I honestly feel good about this and for the first time ever I can't weight to step on that scale next Saturday morning. I have one Sonoma diet cookbook and I just bought another one from eBay and it should be here by next week. I'm really not missing the bread or the dairy products right now and I have found more veggies and fruits I can eat, especially at lunch time. In wave 2 I am allowed and encouraged to have one glass of wine with dinner. Wave 2 also allows more dairy products such as 1% milk and low fat cheeses and fat free yogurts with certain fruits or plain yogurt. I will also be allowed to start eating small amounts of carrots, corn, bananas and sweet potatoes. White potatoes are bad for me to begin with because of the high natural sugar content in regular white potatoes.

Joanna, my daughter, graduates from high school on the 28th of this month, the day after what would have been my mo 's 65th birthday. The school had their spring concert Thursday night and Joanna sang a solo. She sang Josh Grobin's "You Raise Me Up" and I cried. That was one of the songs played at my mother's funeral and when Joanna was done singing, she dedicated the song to my mom. Made Dad cry that time. So, yeah, she graduates next Saturday and then this fall she I'll be going to the same college I'm at for one year and then she while transfer up to San Marcos to Texas State in order to study music and art history. She wants to both teach and perform and this is where her teachers have all told her to go

Nicholas has three more weeks of fifth grade and then he'll be starting middle school this fall. Where has the time gone??? He'll be going to Boy Scout camp this summer for the first time and he is so excited about being gone for 8 days and being able to earn 3-5 merit badges. He has already earned his chemistry merit badge and was so excited to do so. I'm so proud of him.

Dad will be traveling this summer. He has a church meeting in Dallas the second week of June and then teacher workshops in Boston in July. He may also be teaching summer school this year as well.

Hard to believe May is almost over. Where has almost half a year gone??

PS - it's 8:41pm and the world did not end. You know, these people who claim to know when the world is ending really need to read their bibles a little better. It specifically says in there that only GOD knows the day and the time and of he wasn't going to tell his only Son, then why would he have told a mere mortal man? Think about it.

Later all.

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