(no subject)

Jul 03, 2011 00:00

So I saw Transformers 3 today... Look behind the cut for the review/rant...

Damn you Michael Bay!!!! Really? You really had to kill Ironhide? And not even have anyone, especially Optimus or even Will, acknowledge that he'd died? That was just heartless and cruel. However, kudos for the movie itself being quite awesome. Love Carly. Wish shed been around for the other two movies instead of whatshername. Patrick Dempsey as the bad guy was a great move. Optimus was so dark in this movie but it really worked so well. All in all, it was a great way to end the trilogy and you even left it open for a possible fourth movie or for someone else to pick it up later on at some point.

Thanks to kurichai for helping the kids and I be able to see the movie. You are the best sister in the whole world.

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