Music Snobs Unite!

Aug 18, 2011 13:01

 Facebook and Twitter don't have enough room for me to express my disdain for popular music. So, I have decided to take to my online journal to express my hate in long form.  Aren't you lucky??  This is not a new thing,  my loathing of anything bubble gumish started around 16 and has grown to full fledged anger, when I am exposed whether by accident or by force to anything of this music variety.  I think what annoys me the most is the people that buy into this genre hook ,line and sinker.  It like they are so proud of the fact that they are into this below par music.   They ask you  "  Have you heard the new Beyonce?"   "It's awesome, she is the most talented person/singer/ songwriter  EVER..."  Blah, blah ,blah.   I just want to slap the person and say the only reason that Beyonce or Katy Perry or Lady Gaga  are popular is their image.    Sure they have some shred of talent, otherwise they wouldn't have come this far.  But anyone that tells me that  "Bad Romance" is a great song  I have to seriously bite my tongue before I blurt out.  : "I didn't realize that you were tone deaf with a severe hearing problem."

Back in the day, we had singer/songwriters who wrote from the soul, defined generations, timelined our lives.  Can we really say that about the singer/songwriters Can we really call them songwriters?  today?  I know music is subjective, and really it is.   People are probably wondering why I take music so seriously or wonder why I am getting so angry about pop music.   For me it's one of the most beautiful ways of expressing oneself, if you happened to be one of the lucky ones that are musically gifted.  I can't understand why some people waste it on such trivial fluff.    What makes disposable music so much more appealing than music that touches the fiber of your being and stays with you forever?  I understand that the music industry is nothing more than a factory churning out the same processed crap year after year. I refuse to believe that people are this musically deficient that they would completely buy into all of this.  Could it be that I am giving too much credit, where it is not deserved?

Even though I think the internet has been a wonderful tool in discovering new, great music.  I have to sit back and wonder if  it's because of the internet and how everyone are plugged in all the time, is that if some of the world has lost the ability and the patience to actually discover something other then the easy music fix.  Something that quickly entertains them and they can move on the the next fad, next week, next month, and next  year.  Songs like this will never be heard by mainstream audiences, because the music industry is all about the image, and how much money they can make off of you, the consumer.

"The smell of the earth
It's his favourite smell'
But he's somehow compelled to the stinging salt hell
To the place where he hurts and he's scared
And there's no one to tell
And no one who doesn't listen."

Artists like this who write songs that have lyrics like this
Want your bad romance

seemed to more more revered,

Than an artist  who writes songs like this:

I was born by a river
Rolling past a town
Given no direction
Just told to keep my head down.
As I took my position
A man fired a gun
I was so steeped in tradition
That I could not run.


Sad isn't it?

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